Getting Started

Message property encryption

This sample demonstrates how to use EncryptedString to encrypt and decrypt specific properties of a message as it passes through the pipeline.

Running the solution starts two console applications. Endpoint1 encrypts a message and sends it and Endpoint2 receives the encrypted message and decrypts it.

Endpoint1 output

MessageWithSecretData sent.

Endpoint2 output

I know the secret - it's 'betcha can't guess my secret'
SubSecret: My sub secret
CreditCard: 312312312312312 is valid to 3/11/2015 5:21:59 AM
CreditCard: 543645546546456 is valid to 3/11/2016 5:21:59 AM

Code walk-through

Message contract

The Shared project contains MessageWithSecretData.cs, which defines the message contract:

using WireEncryptedString = NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty.EncryptedString;

public class MessageWithSecretData :
    public WireEncryptedString Secret { get; set; }
    public MySecretSubProperty SubProperty { get; set; }
    public List<CreditCardDetails> CreditCards { get; set; }

public class MySecretSubProperty
    public WireEncryptedString Secret { get; set; }

public class CreditCardDetails
    public DateTime ValidTo { get; set; }
    public WireEncryptedString Number { get; set; }

Encryption configuration

Encryption is enabled by calling an extension method in Program.cs in both Endpoint1 and Endpoint2:


The extension method is in Shared/EncryptionExtensions.cs:

public static void ConfigurationEncryption(this EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration)
    var encryptionService = new AesEncryptionService(
        encryptionKeyIdentifier: "2015-10",
        key: Convert.FromBase64String("v96c7+e1aqFeNhMdZneHAQITEcgJu1z3ENSFUIr+FoM="));

The message on the wire

The serialized message content can be seen by running Endpoint1 without running Endpoint2.

Messages are queued in the .learningtransport folder next to the solution. The message will be contained in a file in the Samples.Encryption.Endpoint2 sub-folder with the following content (XML namespaces removed for clarity):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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