Getting Started

Monitoring NServiceBus Demo - Setup instructions

This document explains how to set up the NServiceBus monitoring demo.


To run the demo, your system must meet the following requirements:

  • .NET 7.0.18 or higher
  • .NET 8 or higher

Running the demo

The sample zip file includes 4 endpoints and the Particular Software Platform components, all of which have been configured to send messages using the Learning Transport.

After downloading the zip file, extract its contents into a folder. Open the folder and double-click on MonitoringDemo. This executable will:

  1. Run the platform components.
    • A ServiceControl instance (binds to a free port in the 49200 range)
    • A Monitoring instance (binds to a free port in the 49200 range)
  2. Run the sample endpoints, each in their own window.
  3. Run ServicePulse, in its own window (binds to a free port in the 49200 range).
  4. Open your default browser to the ServicePulse monitoring tab.
  5. Allow the sales endpoint to scale out or scale in by pressing the or keys.
  6. Pressing the enter key will quit all processes and cleanup temporary files and folders.

Explore the demo

Once you have the demo up and running, begin exploring the demo.