Getting Started

Replacing an Audit instance using PowerShell

Component: ServiceControl

This article describes how to use PowerShell to replace an Audit instance with zero downtime. For an overview of the process and details for other deployment scenarios, see Replacing an Audit Instance.

Add a new audit instance

First, a new audit instance must be created. If it is on the same machine, different ports must be specified.

New-ServiceControlAuditInstance `
  -Name Particular.ServiceControl.NewAudit `
  -InstallPath C:\ServiceControl.NewAudit\Bin `
  -DBPath C:\ServiceControl.NewAudit\DB `
  -LogPath C:\ServiceControl.NewAudit\Logs `
  -Port 44446 `
  -DatabaseMaintenancePort 44447 `
  -Transport MSMQ `
  -AuditQueue audit `
  -AuditRetentionPeriod 10:00:00:00 `
  -ForwardAuditMessages:$false `
  -ServiceControlQueueAddress "Particular.ServiceControl"

Add the instance to RemoteInstances

Then, to add the new instance to the Error instance's collection of remotes, execute the following on the ServiceControl Error instance machine:

Add-ServiceControlRemote `
  -Name "Particular.ServiceControl" `
  -RemoteInstanceAddress "http://localhost:44446/api"

Disable audit queue ingestion on the old instance

Configure the old audit instance so that it will no longer ingest new messages from the audit queue, making the instance effectively read-only:

  1. Locate the ServiceControl.Audit.exe.config file.
  2. In the appSettings section, add a setting key for ServiceControl/IngestAuditMessages with a value of false.
  3. Restart the Audit instance for the changes to take effect.

Decommission the old audit instance

When the audit retention period has expired and there are no remaining processed messages in the database, you can decommission the old audit instance.

On the ServiceControl Error instance machine, remove the Audit instance URL from the collection of remote instances:

Remove-ServiceControlRemote `
  -Name "Particular.ServiceControl" `
  -RemoteInstanceAddress "http://localhost:44444/api"

Then, on the ServiceControl Audit instance machine, remove the Audit instance, including the database and logs.

Remove-ServiceControlAuditInstance `
  -Name "Particular.ServiceControl.OriginalAudit" `
  -RemoveDB `

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