Getting Started

How document versioning works

NuGet Package: NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB (4.x)
Target Version: NServiceBus 9.x

MongoDB provides no out-of-the-box concurrency control. A common pattern for supporting concurrency is using a document version number (int) that is used as a filter for update statements:

UpdateDefinition<BsonDocument> updateDefinition = updateBuilder.Inc(versionFieldName, 1);

//Define other update operations on the document

var modifiedDocument = await collection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync<BsonDocument>(
    filter: document => document["_id"].AsGuid == documentId && document["_version"] == currentVersion,
    update: updateDefinition,
    options: new FindOneAndUpdateOptions<BsonDocument, BsonDocument> { IsUpsert = false, ReturnDocument = ReturnDocument.After });

if (modifiedDocument == null)
    //The document was not updated because the version was already incremented.

By updating the document with a filter specifying the expected current version of the document, no update will be made if another process has incremented the version before the current process is able to. This makes sure only one process/thread can update the saga at a time.

This pattern requires an element in the BsonDocument to store the current version value. Instead of requiring the user provide this as a property of their saga data type, this package uses the MongoDB client's BSON serializer to add a version element to the serialized saga data as it is initially created and stored in the collection. When the serialized BsonDocument is later fetched, the version element's current value is retrieved before deserializing it to the saga data type. The current value is then retained for the lifetime of the saga message processing and is used to create the update filter.

By default, the BsonDocument element is named _version.

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