Getting Started

Upgrade ServiceControl from Version 6.4 to Version 6.5

Component: ServiceControl

ServiceControl version 6.5 introduces changes for instances that use the RabbitMQ transport. Other transports are not affected.

RabbitMQ management API access is now required

ServiceControl now relies on having access to the RabbitMQ management API. The RabbitMQ management plugin must be enabled, and the plugin's statistics and metrics collection must not be disabled.

By default, ServiceControl will infer the required settings from the connection string. If custom settings are needed, they can be specified with the ManagementApiUrl, ManagementApiUserName, and ManagementApiPassword connection string options.

If custom settings are required to successfully access the management API, they must be added to the instance connection string before upgrading to ensure that the upgrade is successful and the instance can start properly.

Connection strings using the amqp URI format are not compatible with ServiceControl's connection string options, so the connection string must be manually converted to the format defined by the transport before adding the management API options.

Delivery limit validation of ServiceControl queues is enabled by default

Delivery limit validation is enabled by default for ServiceControl queues.

If validation needs to be disabled, the ValidateDeliveryLimits connection string option must be added to the instance connection string before upgrading to ensure that the upgrade is successful and the instance can start properly.