Getting Started

Transport support

ServiceControl can be configured to use one of the supported transports listed below using the ServiceControl Management application:

Transport-specific features

Transport adapters

Certain transport features are not supported natively by ServiceControl and will require a transport adapter. Contact support for further guidance.

Configuring third-party transports through the ServiceControl Management application is not supported.


To configure MSMQ as the transport, ensure the MSMQ service has been installed and configured as outlined in MSMQ configuration.


In addition to the connection string options of the transport the following ServiceControl specific options are available in versions 4.4 and above:

Azure Service Bus

In addition to the connection string options of the transport the following ServiceControl specific options are available in versions 4.4 and above:

  • TransportType=AmqpWebSockets - Configures the transport to use AMQP over websockets.
  • TopicName=<topic-bundle-name> - Specifies the topic name to be used by the instance. The default value is bundle-1.
  • QueueLengthQueryDelayInterval=<value_in_milliseconds> - Specifies the delay between queue length refresh queries for queue length monitoring. The default value is 500 ms.

As of version 4.21.8 of ServiceControl, the following options can be used to enable Managed Identity authentication:

  • Setting the connection string to a fully-qualified namespace (eg.
    • With this setting, a DefaultAzureCredential will be used.
    • No connection string options can be used when using a fully-qualified namespace.
  • Specifying the connection string option Authentication=Managed Identity
    • The fully-qualified namespace will be parsed from the Endpoint=sb:// connection string option
    • When specifying managed identity for the connection string, a ManagedIdentityCredential will be used.
    • Set the ClientId=some-client-id connectionstring option to use a specific user-assigned identity

As of versions 4.33.3 and 5.0.5 of ServiceControl, support for partitioned entities can be enabled by adding the following connection string parameter:

  • EnablePartitioning=<True|False> — Configures the transport to create entities with partitions support. The default value is false.


In addition to the connection string options of the transport the following ServiceControl specific options are available in versions 4.4 and above:

  • Queue Schema=<schema_name> - Specifies custom schema for the ServiceControl input queue.
  • Subscriptions Table=<subscription_table_name> - Specifies SQL subscription table name.
    • Optional Subscriptions Table=<subscription_table_name>@<schema> - to specify the schema.
    • Optional Subscriptions Table=<subscription_table_name>@<schema>@<catalog> - to specify the schema and catalog.

Amazon SQS

The following ServiceControl connection string options are available:

  • AccessKeyId=<value> - AssessKeyId value,
  • SecretAccessKey=<value> - SecretAccessKey value,
  • Region=<value> - Region transport option,
  • QueueNamePrefix=<value> - Queue name prefix transport option,
  • TopicNamePrefix=<value> - Topic name prefix transport option
  • S3BucketForLargeMessages=<value> - S3 bucket for large messages option,
  • S3KeyPrefix=<value> - S3 key prefix option.
  • DoNotWrapOutgoingMessages=true - Do not wrap outgoing messages option.