Getting Started

NServiceBus sagas: Integrations

The need for orchestration of a business process arises quickly when integrating with third parties. We'll frequently need to call a third-party service, and then depending on the result, kick off a new process locally, or perhaps even turn around and call a different third party service.

We can't sit around passively waiting for events to float by to decide what needs to happen next. We need a process to take charge and execute several steps of a business process in a coordinated fashion.

In this tutorial, let's consider shipping couriers used in a retail system. To avoid any unpleasant uses of registered trademarks, let's call our two fake shipping services Alpine Delivery and Maple Shipping Service. In our fictional world, Maple is currently cheaper, so it's our preferred delivery option. However, it also seems to be less reliable. There is a 24-hour delivery SLA with our customers, so if Maple doesn't respond to our shipment request on time, we need to ask Alpine to deliver the package instead.

Let's orchestrate this business process using an NServiceBus saga. Then we'll see how we can react to failures from one or more of our third-party services.


In the exercises so far, we had a ShippingPolicy saga that was rather passive — it waited for OrderPlaced and OrderBilled to arrive (which could happen out of order) and then the order is ready to ship. In this exercise, we'll continue by implementing the actual shipment via one of our fictional shipping carriers, Alpine or Maple.

A new saga

While it would be possible to implement the new functionality in our existing ShippingPolicy saga, it's probably not a good idea. That saga is about deciding whether or not to ship while we are now dealing with the process of executing that shipment. It's best to keep the single responsibility principle in mind and keep them separate. The result will be simpler sagas that are easier to test and easier to evolve in the future.

In the ShippingPolicy saga class (inside the Shipping endpoint project), we already have the ShipOrder being sent from the ProcessOrder method at the end of the saga. Currently, this is being processed by the ShipOrderHandler class, also in the Shipping endpoint. Our aim is to replace that handler with a new saga.

While the previous saga, ShippingPolicy, was a passive observer, this new saga commands an active workflow, so we will call it ShipOrderWorkflow.

To get started, create a new class in the Shipping project called ShipOrderWorkflow:

class ShipOrderWorkflow :
    public async Task Handle(ShipOrder message, IMessageHandlerContext context)

    internal class ShipOrderData : ContainSagaData
        public string OrderId { get; set; }
    // ...

This creates a saga that is started by ShipOrder messages and uses ShipOrderData to store its data. Because the saga data is tightly coupled to the saga implementation, we include it as an internal class. The Handle method is currently empty—we will need to complete that in just a bit.

The OrderId is what makes the saga unique. We need to show the saga how to identify the unique correlation property OrderId in the incoming ShipOrder message and how to relate it to the OrderId property in the saga data.

To do that, implement the saga base class ConfigureHowToFindSaga method as shown here, or let the compiler generate the method and fill it in:

protected override void ConfigureHowToFindSaga(SagaPropertyMapper<ShipOrderData> mapper)
    mapper.MapSaga(saga => saga.OrderId)
        .ToMessage<ShipOrder>(message => message.OrderId);

You can now delete the ShipOrderHandler class that was created in a previous tutorial since this newly created saga will replace its functionality.

Calling web services

Recall that while Maple Shipping Service is cheaper and thus our preferred vendor, they are sometimes unreliable, in which case we want to use Alpine as a backup. To accomplish this, we'll send a ShipWithMaple command immediately and request a ShippingEscalation timeout in case Maple happens to be unreliable today.

To do that, we'll first need to add a class for the command and for the timeout.

In the Messages project, add a class for ShipWithMaple:

public class ShipWithMaple : ICommand
    public string OrderId { get; set; }

When we create a command, we need to create routing information for it so that when we send it, we know where it needs to go. For this tutorial, we'll keep all of the activity within the Shipping endpoint.

In the Shipping project, open the Program.cs file and add the last routing entry for ShipWithMaple:

var routing = transport.Routing();
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(ShipOrder), "Shipping");
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(ShipWithMaple), "Shipping");

Next, let's create the ShippingEscalation timeout class, which will serve as our saga's alarm clock or reminder service.

In the Shipping project, go to the ShipOrderWorkflow and add ShippingEscalation as a nested internal class.

internal class ShippingEscalation

Note that the ShippingEscalation timeout class should be nested inside the ShipOrderWorkflow class and marked as internal. It is very tightly coupled to the ShipOrderWorkflow—there's no need to use it anywhere else. It also doesn't need any special interface or content. A timeout, after all, is just an alarm clock—we get all we need to know just from the type name. Everything else will already exist in the saga's stored data.

Now, in our ShipOrderWorkflow class, we can implement the Handle method as follows:

public async Task Handle(ShipOrder message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    log.Info($"ShipOrderWorkflow for Order #{Data.OrderId} - Trying Maple first.");

    // Execute order to ship with Maple
    await context.Send(new ShipWithMaple() { OrderId = Data.OrderId });

    // Add timeout to escalate if Maple did not ship in time.
    await RequestTimeout(context, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), new ShippingEscalation());

We've sent a ShipWithMaple command and requested a ShippingEscalation timeout of 20 seconds so that if Maple doesn't respond within that time, we can ship with Alpine instead. Also, notice how we can use Data.OrderId immediately—because of the mapping in our ConfigureHowToFindSaga method, NServiceBus already knows that the saga data's OrderId property needs to be filled using the message's OrderId property, so it helpfully prefills this for us.

Now that we've created this command and timeout, we need to do something with them, starting with the command.

Shipping with Maple

We will use a separate message handler to communicate with the Maple web service—or at least, we would in real life. For this tutorial, we'll use a fake message handler.

We'll need to create the message handler and configure the routing so the saga knows where to send the ShipWithMaple command.

Rather than call a real web service, our example will fake it by delaying for a random time and then replying to the ShipOrderWorkflow saga with a ShipmentAcceptedByMaple message.

First, let's add the ShipmentAcceptedByMaple message to our Messages project:

public class ShipmentAcceptedByMaple : IMessage

Then, add the following message handler to the Shipping project:

class ShipWithMapleHandler : IHandleMessages<ShipWithMaple>
    static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<ShipWithMapleHandler>();

    const int MaximumTimeMapleMightRespond = 60;
    static Random random = new Random();

    public async Task Handle(ShipWithMaple message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        var waitingTime = random.Next(MaximumTimeMapleMightRespond);

        log.Info($"ShipWithMapleHandler: Delaying Order [{message.OrderId}] {waitingTime} seconds.");

        await Task.Delay(waitingTime * 1000, CancellationToken.None);

        await context.Reply(new ShipmentAcceptedByMaple());

There are a few things to point out here:

  • We're not really calling a web service; we're just faking it. The random delay of up to 60 seconds emulates how Maple is known to be unreliable. If you recall, the timeout on our saga will only wait 20 seconds before the ShippingEscalation timeout is triggered.
  • ShipmentAcceptedByMaple is marked as an IMessage, not an ICommand or IEvent. Reply messages created by using context.Reply(…), are not commands or events. They're just messages.
  • ShipmentAcceptedByMaple doesn't have any properties at all.

The last point is due to a process called auto-correlation. When the saga sends the ShipWithMaple command, it includes a header containing the saga's SagaId. The ShipWithMapleHandler will then reflect that SagaId header back in the reply message when we call context.Reply(…). This means we don't need to propagate any identifying information (in this case, our OrderId) in the response message. It also means that we don't have to do anything in the saga's ConfigureHowToFindSaga for it to know how to handle the returning ShipmentAcceptedByMaple reply message. Because it's a reply message, we also don't have to specify routing for it—because it's a reply, it goes back to the saga that sent the ShipWithMaple command.

In essence, because of the tight coupling between the ShipOrderWorkflow saga, the ShipWithMaple command, ShipWithMapleHandler, and ShipmentAcceptedByMaple reply message, we get to take a few shortcuts and leave the routing and correlation duties up to NServiceBus.

Another option could be to publish ShipmentAcceptedByMaple as an event, but then we need to include OrderId as a property. This makes sense, because while a reply message is only meant for the saga, any endpoint could subscribe to an event, and in that case, the event message wouldn't make sense without containing the OrderId identifying it.

Success with Maple

If the Maple service can respond quickly enough, our saga will receive the ShipmentAcceptedByMaple reply message. Let's update our saga to handle that reply message.

In the ShipOrderWorkflow saga class, implement the additional interface IHandleMessages<ShipmentAcceptedByMaple> and implement as shown here:

public Task Handle(ShipmentAcceptedByMaple message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    log.Info($"Order [{Data.OrderId}] - Successfully shipped with Maple");

    Data.ShipmentAcceptedByMaple = true;


    return Task.CompletedTask;

In this handler, we record that the shipment was accepted by Maple in our saga data. To store that data, we need to update our saga state in the ShipOrderData class:

internal class ShipOrderData : ContainSagaData
    public string OrderId { get; set; }
    public bool ShipmentAcceptedByMaple { get; set; }

Right now, a notification that Maple accepted the shipment is logged, and the flag ShipmentAcceptedByMaple is set. The saga does nothing else.

In a real-world scenario, perhaps another message needs to be sent so that the customer can be notified and a tracking code can be provided, or we can simply end the saga using MarkAsComplete(). If we did mark the saga as completed, it would be ignored when the timeout message we requested arrived since the saga instance is no longer active, and a timeout cannot start a saga.

Shipping with Alpine

If the Maple integration handler does not respond in time, the timeout message will arrive, and we need to handle it. It's important to remember that this timeout might be triggered either before or after Maple responds, so we must be able to handle either circumstance. If we haven't heard back from Maple yet, we're going to want to record that we're sending the order to Alpine, because it's still possible for the Maple service to respond late.

So first, let's update our saga data again. Inside the ShipOrderWorkflow, update the ShipOrderData class to add a ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine property:

internal class ShipOrderData : ContainSagaData
    public string OrderId { get; set; }
    public bool ShipmentAcceptedByMaple { get; set; }
    public bool ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine { get; set; }

We also need a message to send to the Alpine adapter:

public class ShipWithAlpine : ICommand
    public string OrderId { get; set; }

And we'll continue to keep all of this within the Shipping service, so let's add routing instructions for this new message type:

var routing = transport.Routing();
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(ShipOrder), "Shipping");
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(ShipWithMaple), "Shipping");
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(ShipWithAlpine), "Shipping");

Now that we have those building blocks, we can return to the ShipOrderWorkflow class and implement IHandleTimeouts<ShipOrderWorkflow.ShippingEscalation> as shown here:

public async Task Timeout(ShippingEscalation timeout, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    if (!Data.ShipmentAcceptedByMaple && !Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine)
        log.Info($"Order [{Data.OrderId}] - We didn't receive answer from Maple, let's try Alpine.");
        Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine = true;
        await context.Send(new ShipWithAlpine() { OrderId = Data.OrderId });
        await RequestTimeout(context, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), new ShippingEscalation());

If the shipment was not accepted by Maple, the system needs to execute the shipment via Alpine. It's less likely something will go wrong since the web service is more reliable. But we need to expect that anything could happen and be prepared for it. Therefore, we also request another timeout.

Note that this timeout handler also checks Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine to see if we have already attempted to send the order to Alpine. This is because the same timeout message type is used twice. We could have created a separate timeout message type, but using a single type allows us to verify several possible scenarios with if/then logic in the same method, making the end result easier to read. We'll return to this method later in this tutorial.

Late arrivals

Before we move on, it's important to remember that even once the timeout handler executes and we move on to requesting shipment through Alpine, it's still possible for Maple to respond with ShipmentAcceptedByMaple, but just later than we were willing to wait. This raises some additional concerns, which we will discuss in the Edge cases section toward the end, but for now, we need to change the handler so that the late arrival of a ShipmentAcceptedByMaple will not end the saga.

In the ShipOrderWorkflow, modify the handler for ShipmentAcceptedByMaple like this:

public Task Handle(ShipmentAcceptedByMaple message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    if (!Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine)
        log.Info($"Order [{Data.OrderId}] - Successfully shipped with Maple");

        Data.ShipmentAcceptedByMaple = true;


    return Task.CompletedTask;

With this change, if the ShipmentAcceptedByMaple message arrives after we've already set Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine to true, the message handler will be a no-op, and the message will essentially be ignored. It's possible in real life that we would want to send additional messages to cancel the shipment via Maple. This will be discussed in more detail in Edge cases.

Now let's move on to handling the response from Alpine.

Alpine response

Just like with Maple, we'll need an external handler to mimic contacting Alpine Delivery and a response message type so that Alpine can deliver its answer back to our saga.

Add this message to your Messages project:

public class ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine : IMessage

Then, add this message handler to your Shipping project, which should look very similar to the Maple handler from earlier:

class ShipWithAlpineHandler : IHandleMessages<ShipWithAlpine>
    static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<ShipWithAlpineHandler>();

    const int MaximumTimeAlpineMightRespond = 30;
    static Random random = new Random();

    public async Task Handle(ShipWithAlpine message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        var waitingTime = random.Next(MaximumTimeAlpineMightRespond);

        log.Info($"ShipWithAlpineHandler: Delaying Order [{message.OrderId}] {waitingTime} seconds.");

        await Task.Delay(waitingTime * 1000, CancellationToken.None);

        await context.Reply(new ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine());

Just like with the Maple case, we don't need to add any routing for the ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine response message. As a reply, NServiceBus will know where to send the message, and it will also include the SagaId with the message headers, just as before.

Success with Alpine

If the package can be shipped via Alpine, our saga will receive a ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine reply message. Let's handle that now. First, we'll add a property to our saga data to show that the order was accepted by Alpine:

internal class ShipOrderData : ContainSagaData
    public string OrderId { get; set; }
    public bool ShipmentAcceptedByMaple { get; set; }
    public bool ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine { get; set; }
    public bool ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine { get; set; }

Then, in the ShipOrderWorkflow class, implement IHandleMessages<ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine> as follows:

public Task Handle(ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    log.Info($"Order [{Data.OrderId}] - Successfully shipped with Alpine");

    Data.ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine = true;


    return Task.CompletedTask;

As with Maple, we're not currently taking any action once the package is successfully shipped by Alpine other than to mark the saga as complete, which removes the saga data from the database. It might be appropriate to publish an event such as ShipmentAccepted at this point. But first, let's look at some edge cases that could arise.

Edge cases

So far, we've handled two scenarios:

  1. We requested shipment via Maple, and it responded in time that the shipment was accepted.
  2. We requested shipment via Maple, but it didn't reply in time, and we requested another shipment via Alpine.

But what happens if none of the shipping providers accept the shipment? In that case, the saga will be stalled, and our package will never ship. When we sent the request to Alpine (the second choice), we did request another ShippingEscalation timeout, but when that timeout comes due, the same Timeout() method is executed again, and this line of code will be executed:

if (!Data.ShipmentAcceptedByMaple && !Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine)

In this case, the shipment was not accepted by Maple, but we already sent the request to Alpine, and now we have returned to the timeout handler. It means that both attempts to request delivery have failed. That could happen for several reasons, such as the Alpine web service being down for maintenance, or perhaps a network issue prevented our request from being received.

One way to handle this situation is to notify the sales department, which can handle the issue manually by calling either shipment provider and requesting delivery.

The best way to notify the sales department is via an event. Add ShipmentFailed to your Messages project:

public class ShipmentFailed : IEvent
    public string OrderId { get; set; }

Then, in the ShipOrderWorkflow, modify the Timeout method to handle the new case. Because both cases depend on !Data.ShipmentAcceptedByMaple, we'll also refactor a bit for clarity:

public async Task Timeout(ShippingEscalation timeout, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    if (!Data.ShipmentAcceptedByMaple)
        if (!Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine)
            log.Info($"Order [{Data.OrderId}] - No answer from Maple, let's try Alpine.");
            Data.ShipmentOrderSentToAlpine = true;
            await context.Send(new ShipWithAlpine() { OrderId = Data.OrderId });
            await RequestTimeout(context, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), new ShippingEscalation());
        else if (!Data.ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine) // No response from Maple nor Alpine
            log.Warn($"Order [{Data.OrderId}] - No answer from Maple/Alpine. We need to escalate!");

            // escalate to Warehouse Manager!
            await context.Publish<ShipmentFailed>();


The saga does not send any emails or save information about the failure to a database. Remember, it's a message-driven state machine! It merely publishes an event so that another handler can act appropriately. Our saga is only orchestrating the process.

There could be more scenarios similar to the one mentioned above. As developers, we're tempted to solve such problems via code, ensuring consistency and avoiding race conditions. However, in reality, deciding how to handle such edge cases is a business decision.

For example, consider that as the saga currently stands, it's possible for Maple to accept a shipment, but too late to stop the saga from requesting shipment via Alpine. In that circumstance, both providers could attempt to ship the package!

Dealing with these sorts of edge cases is not necessarily a technical decision but a business one. Perhaps generating a shipment record that is never fulfilled is an acceptable solution. Perhaps once orders are accepted by Alpine, a CancelShipment command needs to be sent to Maple to ensure no shipment is created. Perhaps the commands to the shipment providers need to include a DoNotProcessAfter property so that messages that arrive "too late" are discarded. It depends on the exact business requirements.

In software, timeframes between business decisions can scale down to the millisecond, leading to apparent race conditions. But in real life, race conditions don't exist. It's important to ask business stakeholders what would happen in real life if the events had happened by phone rather than milliseconds apart and use that to guide your workflows. Be careful and ensure you discuss such edge cases with business stakeholders before you jump straight to the implementation.

Running the solution

The solution is configured to have multiple startup projects, so when we run the solution (Debug > Start Debugging or press F5) it should open the four console applications, one window for each messaging endpoint.

In the ClientUI application, press P to place an order. To see what our saga does, we want to watch the Shipping endpoint and don't care too much about what happens in Sales or Billing, but we do need them running to do their part.

It will take some time after placing an order to see anything in Shipping because the BuyersRemorsePolicy in Sales (from the saga timeouts tutorial is implementing a 20-second timeout. If you'd like to speed this up for testing, you can edit BuyersRemorsePolicy.cs in the Sales project by temporarily setting the requested timeout to TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).

Based on the randomized timeouts that occur in the Maple and Alpine handlers, there are a few different ways the saga could be executed.

Happy path

The happy path for this workflow is for Maple, our preferred provider, to respond quickly. When that occurs, the output in the Shipping console application will look like this:

12:48:02.112 INFO  ShipOrderWorkflow for Order [19da7b54-36c0-4f68-9db5-713738dccfcf] - Trying Maple first.
12:48:02.152 INFO  ShipWithMapleHandler: Delaying Order [19da7b54-36c0-4f68-9db5-713738dccfcf] 7 seconds.
12:48:09.196 INFO  Order [19da7b54-36c0-4f68-9db5-713738dccfcf] - Successfully shipped with Maple
12:48:23.532 INFO  No saga found for timeout message c6dad340-8ee7-4d54-b23b-ac7c0135d2fd, ignoring since the saga has been marked as complete before the timeout fired

In this case, shipping via Maple was attempted first, and Maple responded in 7 seconds, which is shorter than the requested 20-second timeout.

Note that the last INFO line mentions that a saga could not be found for a timeout message. This was our 20-second ShippingEscalation timeout, but by the time the timeout had arrived, the ShipmentAcceptedByMaple response had already been processed, resulting in the saga ending with the call to MarkAsComplete(). The saga data was deleted, and as a result, the timeout was ignored.

This is perfectly fine.

Timeouts are designed to be reminders for the saga to take action. If the saga determines before that time that its work is done, that's OK. That's why the log message (which comes from NServiceBus, not the code in ShipOrderWorkflow) is presented as INFO and not a warning or error.

Maple is slow, Alpine is fast

The second case is when Maple takes longer than the 20-second timeout, but Alpine responds quickly.

13:24:47.214 INFO  ShipOrderWorkflow for Order [a4bd57a8-e835-49b4-b507-90d1a23cd84e] - Trying Maple first.
13:24:47.275 INFO  ShipWithMapleHandler: Delaying Order [a4bd57a8-e835-49b4-b507-90d1a23cd84e] 42 seconds.
13:25:29.324 INFO  Order [a4bd57a8-e835-49b4-b507-90d1a23cd84e] - No answer from Maple, let's try Alpine.
13:25:29.386 INFO  ShipWithAlpineHandler: Delaying Order [a4bd57a8-e835-49b4-b507-90d1a23cd84e] 3 seconds.
13:25:32.421 INFO  Order [a4bd57a8-e835-49b4-b507-90d1a23cd84e] - Successfully shipped with Alpine
13:25:50.592 INFO  No saga found for timeout message 9cc0f019-f529-4c00-8eeb-ac7c01401c70, ignoring since the saga has been marked as complete before the timeout fired

Here, we see that Maple was attempted, but took 42 seconds to respond, which is past our requested 20-second timeout. So instead, the order was shipping via Alpine, which responded in 3 seconds, which was successful.

Once again, a timeout was discarded after the saga completed its work, but in this case, it was the second timeout designed to make sure Alpine responded on time.

Everything is slow

In the last case, both Maple and Alpine will take longer than their configured timeouts to respond:

13:36:21.825 INFO  ShipOrderWorkflow for Order [54775217-49ee-4856-82e5-1ccc432d1d60] - Trying Maple first.
13:36:21.861 INFO  ShipWithMapleHandler: Delaying Order [54775217-49ee-4856-82e5-1ccc432d1d60] 42 seconds.
13:37:03.914 INFO  Order [54775217-49ee-4856-82e5-1ccc432d1d60] - No answer from Maple, let's try Alpine.
13:37:03.965 INFO  ShipWithAlpineHandler: Delaying Order [54775217-49ee-4856-82e5-1ccc432d1d60] 24 seconds.
13:37:27.998 WARN  Order [54775217-49ee-4856-82e5-1ccc432d1d60] - No answer from Maple/Alpine. We need to escalate!
13:37:28.032 INFO  Could not find a started saga for 'Messages.ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine' message type. Going to invoke SagaNotFoundHandlers.

We can see from the output that both timeouts were reached, resulting in the WARN statement, which we know would be accompanied by the ShipmentFailed event being published, but since we don't have any handler for that we don't see any evidence in the log.

We also see a new message at the end, similar to what happened when timeout messages were being ignored:

INFO  Could not find a started saga for 'Messages.ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine' message type. Going to invoke SagaNotFoundHandlers.

This is caused by the ShipmentAcceptedByAlpine message being returned after the second timeout has already given up on Alpine, published ShipmentFailed, and marked the saga as complete, removing it from storage. As we've defined the saga thus far, this is working as intended, but this is another place where it all comes down to business requirements.

It is possible to handle these instances by creating an IHandleSagaNotFound implementation. Another possibility would be to keep the saga alive for longer (by not calling MarkAsComplete()) and setting another timeout to clean up the saga later on. It really depends on what the exact rules are for your specific scenario, which you can only discover through consultation with business stakeholders.


In this lesson, we learned about commander sagas that execute several steps within a business process. Sagas orchestrate and delegate the work to other handlers. The reason for delegation is to adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle and to avoid potential contention. We've also taken another look at timeouts. And finally, we've seen how different scenarios in our business process can be modeled and implemented using sagas.

For more information on sagas, check out the saga documentation or our other saga tutorials. If you've got questions, you could also talk to us about a proof of concept.