Getting Started

NServiceBus sagas: Saga basics

When you build a system with asynchronous messages, you divide each process into discrete message handlers that are executed when an incoming message arrives. Your system naturally becomes more reliable because each of these message handlers can be retried until they are successful. Additionally, it becomes easier to understand since each message handler handles just one specific task. This means there's less code to keep in your head at any one time.

What happens when some process is dependent upon more than one message?

Should I ship it?

Let's say a Shipping service can't ship an order (that is, send a ShipOrder command) until it has successfully received OrderPlaced from the Sales service and OrderBilled from the Billing service. Normal message handlers don't store any state, so we need a way to keep track of which events have already been received.

In this tutorial, we'll solve this problem by building a simple saga, which is essentially a message-driven state machine, or a collection of message handlers that persist shared state. Sagas represent a business process where multiple related messages can trigger state changes. Other lessons in this series will focus on other problems you can solve with sagas, such as integrating with external services or replacing nightly batch jobs with a system that processes changes in real time.

Let's get started building a saga!!


In this exercise we'll build a saga to handle the situation outlined above, where OrderPlaced and OrderBilled must both arrive before we can ship an order. We'll continue with the project from the previous lesson and extend it with an NServiceBus saga to handle the shipping process.

We will create a saga in the Shipping endpoint that will handle the OrderPlaced and OrderBilled events. When it receives both, it'll send the ShipOrder command to initiate the delivery.

Sagas as policies

It's useful to think of sagas as policies. After all, the main use of a saga is to decide what to do once additional incoming messages arrive. Therefore it's useful to use the word Policy in a saga's name.

We're going to call this saga ShippingPolicy as it defines the policy around shipping an item, namely, that it requires the order be both placed and billed.

In our solution, these activities are currently happening in separate handlers. In the Shipping endpoint you should be able to find OrderPlacedHandler as well as OrderBilledHandler, both logging the fact that their respective messages arrived, but unable to decide what to do next without the help of the other.

The first thing we're going to do is reorganize these handlers into one class named ShippingPolicy.

  1. In the Shipping project, delete OrderPlacedHandler.cs and OrderBilledHandler.cs.
  2. Create a new class called ShippingPolicy in the Shipping project, containing a logger and implementing both the IHandleMessages<OrderPlaced> and IHandleMessages<OrderBilled> interfaces, which we'll implement in basically the same way as the classes we deleted:
public class ShippingPolicy :
    static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<ShippingPolicy>();

    public Task Handle(OrderPlaced message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        log.Info($"Received OrderPlaced, OrderId = {message.OrderId}");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task Handle(OrderBilled message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        log.Info($"Received OrderBilled, OrderId = {message.OrderId}");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

We haven't done anything substantial yet, just reorganized two message handlers into one file. But unlike message handlers, sagas require state. Let's build that next.

Saga state

Sagas store their state in a class that inherits from ContainSagaData which automatically gives it a few properties (including an Id) required by NServiceBus. All the saga's data is represented as properties on the saga data class.

We need to track whether or not we've received OrderPlaced and OrderBilled. The easiest way to do that is with boolean properties.

In the Shipping endpoint, let's create a new class called ShippingPolicyData that inherits from the ContainSagaData class, including properties to store information about events that have been received:

public class ShippingPolicyData : ContainSagaData
    public bool IsOrderPlaced { get; set; }
    public bool IsOrderBilled { get; set; }

To tell the saga what class to use for its data, we inherit from Saga<TData> where TData is the saga data type. So for the ShippingPolicy, we'll inherit from Saga<ShippingPolicyData> like this:

public class ShippingPolicy : Saga<ShippingPolicyData>,

The Saga<TData> base class requires us to implement an abstract method called ConfigureHowToFindSaga. We'll get to this in a minute. For now we'll just insert a stub so that we can compile:

protected override void ConfigureHowToFindSaga(SagaPropertyMapper<ShippingPolicyData> mapper)
    // TODO

With the base class in place, NServiceBus makes the current saga data available inside the saga using this.Data. Now that we can access the data, we can change each Handle method to update the saga data.

  1. In the Handle method for OrderPlaced, add the statement Data.IsOrderPlaced = true;.
  2. In the Handle method for OrderBilled, add the statement Data.IsOrderBilled = true;.

These two methods should now look like this:

public Task Handle(OrderPlaced message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    log.Info($"OrderPlaced message received.");
    Data.IsOrderPlaced = true;
    return Task.CompletedTask;

public Task Handle(OrderBilled message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    log.Info($"OrderBilled message received.");
    Data.IsOrderBilled = true;
    return Task.CompletedTask;

Notice we didn't have to worry about loading and unloading this data — that's done for us. NServiceBus loads the saga state from storage whenever a message related to the particular saga instance is received by an endpoint and then stores any changes after the message is processed. Later in this lesson, we'll explain how NServiceBus can determine saga state based on incoming messages.

Now, how do we determine how to start a saga?

How sagas start

When NServiceBus receives a message, it first looks for an existing saga that matches the message. If it can't find any related data, it needs to know whether it has permission to create a new instance of the saga. After all, the incoming message may be an out-of-date message for a saga that has already completed its work.

For this reason, we need to tell the saga which message types can start new saga instances. We do that by swapping the IHandleMessages<T> interface for IAmStartedByMessages<T> instead.

So clearly, because OrderBilled is not published until after Billing processes OrderPlaced, that means OrderPlaced must come first, and therefore, OrderPlaced is the only message type that can start our ShippingPolicy, right?

public class ShippingPolicy : Saga<ShippingPolicyData>,
    IAmStartedByMessages<OrderPlaced>, // This can start the saga
    IHandleMessages<OrderBilled>       // But surely, not this one!?

Not so fast!

In message-driven systems, there's generally no way to guarantee message ordering. This is very different than when using the HTTP-based method invocation. In traditional synchronous systems we'd expect that messages are received in the same order as they are sent, i.e. OrderPlaced should be received by Shipping before OrderBilled.

What happens if we're processing multiple messages in parallel? By sheer dumb luck, it's possible that OrderBilled may arrive first! If it happens that OrderBilled arrives first, it would be discarded, assumed to belong to an already-finished saga. Then, OrderPlaced would arrive and start a new saga instance, but its partner message would never arrive.

To ensure we are not making assumptions about which message comes first, we need to tell NServiceBus that both messages can start a new saga instance.

So, let's change our ShippingPolicy class so that instead of implementing IHandleMessages<T> we implement IAmStartedByMessages<T> for both messages instead:

public class ShippingPolicy : Saga<ShippingPolicyData>,
    IAmStartedByMessages<OrderPlaced>, // I can start the saga!
    IAmStartedByMessages<OrderBilled>  // I can start the saga too!

The IAmStartedByMessages<T> interface implements the IHandleMessages<T> interface already, so we don't need to make any other code changes to make the swap. Now the NServiceBus infrastructure knows that a message of either type can create a new saga instance if one doesn't already exist. The IHandleMessages<T> interface requires a saga instance to exist already. If no matching saga instance is found, then the incoming message will be ignored.

Matching messages to sagas

Wait a minute! How can NServiceBus know that a saga instance already exists for a specific incoming message?

We need to tell our saga how to recognize which messages are related to the same saga instance. When you made the ShippingPolicy saga inherit from the Saga<T> base class you were required to implement an abstract method provided by the base class: ConfigureHowToFindSaga. Now it's time to fill that in.

The ConfigureHowToFindSaga method configures mappings between incoming messages and a saga instances based on message properties. In our scenario both OrderPlaced and OrderBilled events have an OrderId property that is a unique order identifier. It's a perfect, natural candidate for correlating messages to saga instances.

The first thing we need to do is extend the ShippingPolicyData class to keep track of the OrderId when storing state information:

public class ShippingPolicyData : ContainSagaData
    public string OrderId { get; set; }
    public bool IsOrderPlaced { get; set; }
    public bool IsOrderBilled { get; set; }

We define a mapping between an incoming message and saga data in the ConfigureHowToFindSaga method using the mapper parameter, using an expression like this:

mapper.MapSaga(sagaData => sagaData.SagaPropertyName)
    .ToMessage<MyMessageType>(message => message.MessagePropertyName);

The first expression mapper.MapSaga(sagaData => sagaData.SagaPropertyName) allows NServiceBus to identify the property name on the saga data that acts like a unique index. The second expression .ToMessage<MyMessageType>(message => message.MessagePropertyName) allows NServiceBus to inspect a message and pull out a property value. Together, the two expressions allow NServiceBus to create (in relational database terms) a query similar to the following:

select * from SagaDataTable
where SagaPropertyName = @MessagePropertyValue

In our case, we can use OrderId as our correlation id. Let's update our ConfigureHowToFindSaga method to use OrderId as both the message property and saga property:

protected override void ConfigureHowToFindSaga(SagaPropertyMapper<ShippingPolicyData> mapper)
    mapper.MapSaga(sagaData => sagaData.OrderId)
        .ToMessage<OrderPlaced>(message => message.OrderId)
        .ToMessage<OrderBilled>(message => message.OrderId);

Our mappings specify that whenever a message of type OrderPlaced is received, the infrastructure needs to use the incoming message OrderId property value to look up the saga instance with the id that matches the given OrderId. If the saga instance doesn't exist and the message is configured to create a new one, NServiceBus will use the value of the OrderId property from the incoming message as a correlation id for the new saga.


One thing we do not have to worry about is filling in OrderId in the saga data. We've already told NServiceBus that OrderPlaced and OrderBilled can start the saga. We've instructed it to look up data based on the OrderId of the incoming message. Because it knows these things, when it creates a new ShippingPolicyData it knows what the value of the OrderId property should be, and fills it in for us.

So code like this is not required:

public Task Handle(OrderPlaced message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    // DON'T NEED THIS! NServiceBus does this for us.
    Data.OrderId = message.OrderId;

    log.Info($"OrderPlaced message received.");
    Data.IsOrderPlaced = true;
    return Task.CompletedTask;

Less boilerplate is a good thing. Let's concern ourselves with more important things, like what to do after both OrderPlaced and OrderBilled have been received.

Orders processing and saga completion

Right now the ShippingPolicy saga does nothing else other than handling messages and keeping track of which messages have been handled. Once both messages are received, we need to deliver the order.

First, in the Messages project, create a ShipOrder command:

public class ShipOrder : ICommand
    public string OrderId { get; set; }

Next, let's add a ProcessOrder method to the saga to handle the order delivery:

private async Task ProcessOrder(IMessageHandlerContext context)
    if (Data.IsOrderPlaced && Data.IsOrderBilled)
        await context.SendLocal(new ShipOrder() { OrderId = Data.OrderId });

In the ProcessOrder method we check if both messages have been received. In such a case the saga will send a message to deliver the order. For this specific OrderId the shipment process is now complete. We don't need that saga instance anymore, so it can be safely deleted by invoking the MarkAsComplete method.

Now, let's modify each of our Handle methods so that they call ProcessOrder instead of returning Task.CompletedTask:

public Task Handle(OrderPlaced message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    log.Info($"OrderPlaced message received.");
    Data.IsOrderPlaced = true;
    return ProcessOrder(context);

public Task Handle(OrderBilled message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    log.Info($"OrderBilled message received.");
    Data.IsOrderBilled = true;
    return ProcessOrder(context);

We also want to be able to handle the ShipOrder command we're sending from the saga. In the Shipping endpoint create a new handler class named ShipOrderHandler. Here's how:

class ShipOrderHandler : IHandleMessages<ShipOrder>
    static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<ShipOrderHandler>();

    public Task Handle(ShipOrder message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        log.Info($"Order [{message.OrderId}] - Successfully shipped.");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Saga persistence

Before being able to fully run the solution and test if the ShippingPolicy saga is working as expected, you need to configure one last thing: Saga persistence.

Saga state needs to be persisted, so we need to configure the Shipping endpoint with a chosen persistence. In the Program class where there is the endpoint configuration code, add the following line after the transport configuration:

var persistence = endpointConfiguration.UsePersistence<LearningPersistence>();

The snippet above is configuring the endpoint to use LearningPersistence which is designed for testing and development. It stores data on the disk in a folder in the executable path. In production use one of our production-level persistence options.

Running the solution

You can now press F5 and test the ShippingPolicy saga. By sending a new order from the ClientUI endpoint you should see the following message flow:

  • The PlaceOrdercommand is sent from ClientUI to Sales.
  • Sales publishes the OrderPlaced event that is handled by Billing and Shipping.
  • Billing processes the payment and publishes the OrderBilled event.
  • Shipping handles OrderPlaced and OrderBilled using the ShippingPolicy saga.
  • When both are handled by the saga, the ShipOrder command is sent.

The Shipping endpoint console should show the following output:

INFO  Shipping.ShippingPolicy OrderPlaced message received.
INFO  Shipping.ShippingPolicy OrderBilled message received.
INFO  Shipping.ShipOrderHandler Order [0b0dd421-4661-46e7-abc5-c92c43b8fd18] - Successfully shipped.

Remember that it's possible that OrderBilled may be handled before OrderPlaced, which is why it was so critical to indicate that the saga can be started by both messages with IAmStartedByMessages<T>. This ensures that the saga will work correctly no matter the arrival order of the events.


In this lesson, we learned to think of sagas as a tool to implement a business policy. An order cannot be shipped until it is both accepted and billed. We want sagas to react to messages, evaluate business rules, and make decisions that allow the system to move forward. It's generally better to think of sagas as policies rather than as orchestrators or process managers.

Using an NServiceBus saga, we designed a state machine to satisfy these business requirements. As a message-driven state machine, a saga is a perfect way to implement a business policy as it describes the conditions that must be satisfied in order to make a decision.

In the next lesson we'll see how using timeouts enables us to add the dimension of time to our business policies, allowing us to send messages into the future to wake up our saga and take action, even if nothing else is happening.