Getting Started

NServiceBus Step-by-step: Multiple Endpoints

Up until this point, we have constrained our activities to a single endpoint, but this is not how real systems behave. The strength of a messaging system is the ability to run code in multiple processes, on multiple servers, which can all collaborate by exchanging messages.

In this lesson, we'll move our message handler to a different endpoint, and discuss the concepts that go along with running more than one endpoint.

In the next 15-20 minutes, you will learn how to send messages between multiple endpoints and how to control the logical routing of messages between endpoints.

Sending messages

We've already shown how an endpoint can "send a message to itself" using the SendLocal() method, which is available via the IEndpointInstance that we used in the endpoint to create a UI, and also via the IMessageHandlerContext that can be access while handling a message.

// From endpoint startup code
await messageSession.SendLocal(command);

// From a message handler
await context.SendLocal(command);

Sending a message to another endpoint is exactly the same, we just need to drop the word Local from the method name.

// From endpoint startup code
await messageSession.Send(command);

// From a message handler
await context.Send(command);

The main difference is that with SendLocal(), the destination for the message is already known. So when we call Send(), how does NServiceBus know where to send the message?

Logical routing

We could specify where we want the message to go directly in code. There is actually an overload of the Send() method that allows us to do this:

// Not recommended, most of the time
await messageSession.Send("Destination", command);

// On the IMessageHandlerContext too, but still not recommended
await context.Send("Destination", command);

However, in most cases, this isn't a good idea. It requires that we remember where each message is supposed to go and type it in every time we send that message.

Instead, NServiceBus should be made aware of the routing configuration, so that whenever a message is sent, the framework will know exactly where it should be delivered.

This concept is called logical routing, the mapping of specific message types to logical endpoints that can process those messages. Each command message should have one logical endpoint that owns that message and can process it.

We say logical routing because this is at a logical layer only, which isn't necessarily the same as physical routing. Within one logical endpoint, there may be many physical endpoint instances deployed to multiple servers.

For now, we'll only concern ourselves with logical routing, and leave the rest of it (physical routing, scale-out, etc.) for a later time.

Because logical routing does not cover physical concerns, but only defines logical ownership, this is something that we (as the implementators) should control, and is not an Operations (as in the part of our organization that handles the underlaying hardware infrastructure) concern. While Operations may want to be able to move an endpoint to a different server using only configuration files, changing the owner for messages would require code changes and a recompile/redeploy anyway.

Therefore, it makes sense that logical routing is defined in code.

Defining logical routes

Message routing is a function of the message transport, so all routing functionality is accessed from the transport object returned when we defined the message transport, as shown in this example using the Learning Transport:

var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<LearningTransport>();
// Returns a RoutingSettings<LearningTransport>
var routing = transport.Routing();

RoutingSettings<T> is scoped to the transport being used, and routing options are exposed as extension methods on this class. Therefore, only routing options that are viable for the transport in use will appear. Routing configurations only applicable to Microsoft Azure, for example, won't clutter up the API when using the Learning Transport.

In order to define routes, start with the routing variable and call the RouteToEndpoint method as needed, which comes in three varieties:

// Specify the routing for a specific type
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(DoSomething), "SomeEndpoint");

// Specify the routing for all messages in an assembly
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(DoSomething).Assembly, "SomeEndpoint");

// Specify the routing for all messages in a given assembly and namespace
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(DoSomething).Assembly, "Specific.Namespace", "SomeEndpoint");

For now, we will use the first overload, specifying individual message types.


Let's split apart the endpoint we created in the previous lesson. We'll reconfigure our solution so that the ClientUI endpoint sends the PlaceOrder command to a new endpoint that we'll call Sales. Sales will become the true logical owner of the PlaceOrder command, and we'll get to see NServiceBus send a message from one endpoint to another. For that reason, we will also rename the Messages project to Sales.Messages allowing us in future steps to add messages belonging to other services into their own dedicated projects.

Exercise 3 Diagram

Creating a new endpoint

First, let's create a project for our new endpoint.

  1. Create a new Console Application project named Sales.
  2. In the same directory as the Sales project, add the NServiceBus NuGet package using the .NET CLI:
    dotnet add package NServiceBus
  3. Rename Messages project to Sales.Messages
  4. In the Sales project, add a reference to the Sales.Messages project, so that we have access to the PlaceOrder message.

Configuring an endpoint

Now that we have a project for our Sales endpoint, we need to add similar code to configure and start an NServiceBus endpoint:

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        Console.Title = "Sales";

        var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);

        var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("Sales");




        await builder.Build().RunAsync();

Most of this configuration looks exactly the same as our ClientUI endpoint. It's critical for the configuration between endpoints to match (especially message transport and serializer); otherwise, the endpoints would not be able to understand each other.

For example, if the ClientUI endpoint used .UseSerialization<XmlSerializer>() while the Sales endpoint used .UseSerialization<JsonSerializer>(), the Sales endpoint would not be able to understand the XML-serialized messages it received from ClientUI since it would be expecting JSON.

While most of the configuration is the same, notice two specific lines that are different:

Console.Title = "Sales";

var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("Sales");

The difference, of course, is the name "Sales" in the console title and EndpointConfiguration constructor, which defines the endpoint name for the Sales endpoint and gives it its own identity.

This means that the Sales endpoint will create its own queue named Sales where it will listen for messages. We now have two processes that each have their own queues, so now we can send messages between them.

Debugging multiple projects

At this point, we could run the Sales endpoint, although we wouldn't expect Sales to do anything except start up, create its queues, and then wait for messages that would never arrive. This is a good exercise to do, although you can skip it if you're in a hurry.

However, it's common in NServiceBus solutions to run multiple projects (i.e. endpoints) at once. To make this easier, configure both endpoints (ClientUI and Sales) to run at startup using Visual Studio's multiple startup projects feature.

If you run the project now, ClientUI will work just as it did before, and Sales will start up and wait for messages that will never arrive.

Moving the handler

Now let's move the handler from ClientUI over to Sales where it belongs.

  1. In the Solution Explorer, find PlaceOrderHandler.cs in the ClientUI project, and drag it to the Sales project.
  2. Open the new PlaceOrderHandler.cs in Sales and change the namespace from ClientUI to Sales to match its new home.
  3. Visual Studio's default action when you drag files between projects is to copy them, so you must delete the old PlaceOrderHandler.cs from the ClientUI endpoint.

Now that the handler is in the correct endpoint, what would happen if we started the solution? Sales now has a message handler, but recall that ClientUI is still calling endpointInstance.SendLocal(command) which effectively sends the message to itself. But it doesn't have a handler for this message anymore.

If you attempt to place an order in ClientUI, an exception will be thrown because ClientUI no longer has a handler for it:

In fact, you will probably get a giant wall of exception text, because the message is tried and retried, and then retried some more after successively longer delays, until finally failing for good sometime later. We'll cover this behavior in detail in Part 5: Retrying errors.

The important takeaway is, if a message is accidentally sent to an endpoint we didn't intend, it won't just fail silently, and the message will not be lost.

Sending to another endpoint

Now we need to change ClientUI so that it is sending PlaceOrder to the Sales endpoint.

  1. In the ClientUI endpoint, modify the Program.cs file so that endpointInstance.SendLocal(command) is replaced by endpointInstance.Send(command).
  2. In the Main method of the same file, use the transport variable to access the routing configuration and specify the logical routing for PlaceOrder by adding the following code after the line that configures the Learning Transport:
var routing = transport.Routing();
routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(PlaceOrder), "Sales");

This establishes that commands of type PlaceOrder should be sent to the Sales endpoint.

Reminder: As noted in configuring an endpoint, ensure the configuration (e.g. message transport and serializers used) between endpoints match.

Running the solution

Now when we run the solution, we get two console windows, one for ClientUI and one for Sales. After moving the windows around so that we can see both, we can try to place an order by pressing P in the ClientUI window.

In the ClientUI window, we see this output:

 info: ClientUI.InputLoopService[0]
       Press 'P' to place an order, or 'Q' to quit.
 info: ClientUI.InputLoopService[0]
       Sending PlaceOrder command, OrderId = 0124c1d5-8eb9-43f7-85e4-2c3ef6081464
 info: ClientUI.InputLoopService[0]
       Press 'P' to place an order, or 'Q' to quit.
 info: ClientUI.InputLoopService[0]
       Sending PlaceOrder command, OrderId = 7c833457-a8a3-4c45-bc01-b30f09c11db0
 info: ClientUI.InputLoopService[0]
       Press 'P' to place an order, or 'Q' to quit.

Everything is the same, except the command is not processed here.

In the Sales window, we see:

 Press Enter to exit.
 info: Sales.PlaceOrderHandler[0] Received PlaceOrder, OrderId = 0124c1d5-8eb9-43f7-85e4-2c3ef6081464

 info: Sales.PlaceOrderHandler[0] Received PlaceOrder, OrderId = 7c833457-a8a3-4c45-bc01-b30f09c11db0

At this point, we've managed to create two processes and achieve inter-process communication between them. Now let's try something different.

  1. In Visual Studio's Debug menu, select Detach All so that we can close one console window without Visual Studio closing all the other windows as well. Alternatively, you can run the solution using Debug > Start Without Debugging or Ctrl + F5.
  2. Close the Sales endpoint window so that only ClientUI is running.
  3. Press P several times to send several messages to the Sales endpoint. Note that it works just fine; messages are sent, and nothing fails because the Sales endpoint happens to be offline.
  4. Restart the Sales endpoint by right-clicking the Sales project and selecting Debug > Start new instance.

After Sales starts up, it receives and processes all the messages that were waiting for it in the queue.

The value in this approach is the ability to take a part of your system offline and have the rest of it proceed normally as though nothing is wrong, and then have everything return to normal when the offline piece comes back online.


In this lesson, we learned about sending messages between endpoints. We already knew the basics of how to send and handle messages, but we learned how to control the logical message routing so that when we send a message, the system will know where that message should go.

In the next lesson, we'll learn about events, a different kind of message that can be published to multiple subscribers using the Publish/Subscribe pattern. We'll also learn how the decoupling provided by this pattern allows us to structure our distributed systems in a more logical and maintainable way.