
NServiceBus Step-by-step: Sending a command

Sending and receiving messages is a central characteristic of any NServiceBus system. Durable messages passed between processes allow reliable communication between those processes, even if one of them is temporarily unavailable. In this lesson we'll show how to send and process a message.

In the next 15-20 minutes, you will learn how to define messages and message handlers, send and receive a message locally, and use the built-in logging capabilities.

What is a message

A message is a collection of data sent via one-way communication between two endpoints. In NServiceBus, we define messages via simple classes.

In this lesson, we'll focus on a specific type of message: commands. Later on, in Part 4: Publishing events we'll expand to look at another type of message, events.

To define a command, create a class and mark it with the ICommand interface.

public class DoSomething :
    public string SomeProperty { get; set; }

By implementing this interface, we let NServiceBus know that the class is a command so that it can build up some metadata about the message type when the endpoint starts up. Any properties you create within the message constitutes the message data.

The name of your command classes it is important, as they allow to infer the intent of the class without looking at its content. A command is an order to do something, so it should be named in the imperative tense. PlaceOrder and ChargeCreditCard are good names for commands, because they are phrased as a command and are very specific. We could expect that PlaceOrder will place an order and ChargeCreditCard will charge money on a credit card. CustomerMessage, on the other hand, is not a good example. It is not in the imperative, and it's vague. Ideally another person should know exactly what a command's purpose is just by reading its name.

Command names should also convey business intent. UpdateCustomerPropertyXYZ, while more specific than CustomerMessage isn't a good name for an command because it's focused only on the data manipulation rather than the business meaning behind it. MarkCustomerAsGold, or something else that is domain oriented, is a better choice.

When sending a message, the endpoint's serializer will serialize the instance of the DoSomething class and add it to the contents of the outgoing message that goes to the queue. On the other end, the receiving endpoint will deserialize the message back to an instance of the message class so that it can be used by that endpoint.

Messages can even contain child objects or collections. The supported range of structures is dictated by the choice of serializer.

public class DoSomethingComplex :
    public int SomeId { get; set; }
    public ChildClass ChildStuff { get; set; }
    public List<ChildClass> ListOfStuff { get; set; } = new List<ChildClass>();

public class ChildClass
    public string SomeProperty { get; set; }

Messages are a contract between two endpoints. Any change to the message will likely involve a change on both the sender and receiver side. The more properties you have on a message, the more reasons it has to change, so keep your messages as slim as possible.

Also, do not embed logic within your message classes. Each message should contain only automatic properties and not computed properties or methods. It is a good practice to initialize collection properties as shown above, so that you never have to deal with serializing a null collection.

In essence, messages should be carriers for data only. By keeping your messages small and giving them clear purpose, your code will be easy to understand and evolve.

Organizing messages

Messages are data contracts and as such, they are shared between multiple endpoints. Therefore you should not put the classes in the same assembly with the endpoints; they should live in a separate class library.

Message assemblies should be entirely self-contained, meaning they should contain only NServiceBus message types, and any supporting types required by the messages themselves. For example, if a message uses an enumeration type for one of its properties, that enumeration type should also be contained within the same message assembly.

Additionally, message assemblies should have no dependencies other than libraries included with the .NET Framework, and the NServiceBus core assembly, which is required to reference the ICommand interface.

Following these guidelines will make your message contracts easy to evolve in the future.

Processing messages

To process a message, we create a message handler, a class that implements IHandleMessages<T>, where T is a message type. A message handler looks like this:

public class DoSomethingHandler :
    public Task Handle(DoSomething message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        // Do something with the message here
        return Task.CompletedTask;

The implementation of the IHandleMessages<T> interface is the Handle method, which NServiceBus will invoke when a message of type T (in this case DoSomething) arrives. The Handle method receives the message and an IMessageHandlerContext that contains contextual API for working with messages.

Since the handlers in the tutorials are very simple and mostly just log information, they don't need to have the async keyword in the method definition. However, it's possible to add it and modify the handler to not return a Task:

public class DoSomethingHandler :
    public async Task Handle(DoSomething message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        // Do something with the message here

If you want to learn more about working with async methods, see Asynchronous Handlers.

It makes no difference whether handlers are implemented inside one or multiple classes. A single class can implement multiple IHandleMessages<T> for multiple message types, so you can group logically related message handlers together in the same class in order to make your code easier to understand. Just remember that each time a message is processed, a new instance of that class is instantiated by the framework. Thus, you can't set a private member variable in one message handler and then expect to have that value around when the next message (regardless of type) is processed.

public class DoSomethingHandler :
    public Task Handle(DoSomething message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        Console.WriteLine("Received DoSomething");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task Handle(DoSomethingElse message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        Console.WriteLine("Received DoSomethingElse");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

When NServiceBus starts up, it scans the types in all available assemblies, finds all message handler classes, and automatically wires them up, so that they will be invoked when messages arrive. There's no special configuration required - it just works.


Now let's take the solution we started in the last lesson and modify it to send a message. When we're done, the ClientUI endpoint will send a PlaceOrder message to itself and then process that message, as depicted in the following diagram:

Exercise 2 Diagram

Create a messages assembly

To share messages between endpoints, they need to be self-contained in a separate assembly. Let's create that assembly now.

  1. In the solution, create a new project and select the Class Library project type.
  2. Set the name of the project to Messages.
  3. Remove the automatically created Class1.cs file from the project.
  4. Add the NServiceBus NuGet package to the Messages project.
  5. In the ClientUI project, add a reference to the Messages project.

Create a message

Let's create our first command.

  1. In the Messages project, create a new class named PlaceOrder.
  2. Mark PlaceOrder as public and implement ICommand.
  3. Add a public property of type string named OrderId.

When complete, your PlaceOrder class should look like the following:

namespace Messages
    public class PlaceOrder :
        public string OrderId { get; set; }

Create a handler

Now that we've defined a message, we can create a corresponding message handler. For now, let's handle the message locally within the ClientUI endpoint.

  1. In the ClientUI project, create a new class named PlaceOrderHandler.
  2. Mark the handler class as public and implement the IHandleMessages<PlaceOrder> interface.
  3. Add a logger instance, which will allow you to take advantage of the same logging system used by NServiceBus. This has an important advantage over Console.WriteLine(): the entries written with the logger will appear in the log file in addition to the console. Use this line to add the logger instance to your handler class:
    static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<PlaceOrderHandler>();
  4. Within the Handle method, use the logger to record the receipt of the PlaceOrder message, including the value of the OrderId message property:
    log.Info($"Received PlaceOrder, OrderId = {message.OrderId}");
  5. Since everything we have done in this handler method is synchronous, return Task.CompletedTask.

When complete, your PlaceOrderHandler class should look like this:

public class PlaceOrderHandler :
    static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<PlaceOrderHandler>();

    public Task Handle(PlaceOrder message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        log.Info($"Received PlaceOrder, OrderId = {message.OrderId}");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Send a message

Now we have a message and a handler to process it. Let's send that message.

In the ClientUI project, we are currently stopping the endpoint when we press the Enter key. Instead, let's create a run loop that will allow us to be a little more interactive, so that we can use the keyboard to decide whether to send a message or quit.

Add the following method to the Program.cs file:

static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<Program>();

static async Task RunLoop(IEndpointInstance endpointInstance)
    while (true)
        log.Info("Press 'P' to place an order, or 'Q' to quit.");
        var key = Console.ReadKey();

        switch (key.Key)
            case ConsoleKey.P:
                // Instantiate the command
                var command = new PlaceOrder
                    OrderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                // Send the command to the local endpoint
                log.Info($"Sending PlaceOrder command, OrderId = {command.OrderId}");
                await endpointInstance.SendLocal(command);


            case ConsoleKey.Q:

                log.Info("Unknown input. Please try again.");

Let's take a closer look at the case when we want to place an order. In order to create the PlaceOrder command, create an instance of the PlaceOrder class and supply a unique value for the OrderId. Then, after logging the details, we can send it with the SendLocal method.

SendLocal(object message) is a method that is available on the IEndpointInstance interface, as we are using here, and also on the IMessageHandlerContext interface, which we saw when we were defining our message handler. The Local part means that we are not sending to an external endpoint (in a different process) so we intend to handle the message in the same endpoint that sent it. By using SendLocal(), we don't have to do anything special to tell the message where to go.

Because SendLocal() returns a Task, we need to be sure to await it properly.

Now let's modify the Main method to call the new RunLoop method:

var endpointInstance = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration);

// Remove these two lines
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit...");

// Replace with:
await RunLoop(endpointInstance);

await endpointInstance.Stop();

Running the solution

Now we are ready to run the solution. Whenever we press P on the terminal, a command message is sent and then processed by a handler class in the same project. You should see something similar to this on your console:

INFO  ClientUI.Program Press 'P' to place an order, or 'Q' to quit.
INFO  ClientUI.Program Sending PlaceOrder command, OrderId = 1fb61e01-34a3-4562-82b1-85278565b59d
INFO  ClientUI.Program Press 'P' to place an order, or 'Q' to quit.
INFO  ClientUI.PlaceOrderHandler Received PlaceOrder, OrderId = 1fb61e01-34a3-4562-82b1-85278565b59d
INFO  ClientUI.Program Sending PlaceOrder command, OrderId = d9e59362-ccf4-4323-8298-4bbc052fb877
INFO  ClientUI.Program Press 'P' to place an order, or 'Q' to quit.
INFO  ClientUI.PlaceOrderHandler Received PlaceOrder, OrderId = d9e59362-ccf4-4323-8298-4bbc052fb877

Note how after sending a message, the prompt from ClientUI.Program is displayed before the ClientUI.PlaceOrderHandler acknowledges receipt of the message. This is because rather than calling the Handle method as a direct method call, the message is sent asynchronously, and then control immediately returns to the RunLoop which repeats the prompt. It isn't until a bit later, when the message is received and processed, that we see the Received PlaceOrder notification.


In this lesson we learned about messages, message assemblies, and message handlers. We created a message and a handler and we used SendLocal() to send the message to the same endpoint.

In the next lesson, we'll create a second messaging endpoint, move our message handler over to it, then configure the ClientUI to send the message to the new endpoint. We'll also be able to observe what happens when we send messages while the receiver endpoint is offline.