Getting Started

SagaAudit Plugin

NuGet Package: NServiceBus.SagaAudit (4.x)
Target Version: NServiceBus 8.x
This plugin can be enabled and configured with the ServicePlatform Connector plugin.
This plugin will result in an increase in the load placed on ServiceControl and the endpoint it is installed in. Make sure the environment is prepared for the increased load. Consider scaling out audit processing if necessary.

The SagaAudit plugin enables the Saga View feature in ServiceInsight.

SagaAudit View in ServiceInsight

It is built specifically to help developers verify saga logic during development. It does this by capturing saga message behavior and changes in saga data/state as the saga is being processed. It then sends this information to a ServiceControl instance set up in the development environment. The information is available in the Saga view in ServiceInsight.

Saga audit messages are only sent to ServiceControl when a message is processed successfully.


The SagaAudit plugin captures the following information:

  • The incoming messages (including timeouts) that initiate change in the saga
  • The outgoing messages that the saga sends
  • A snapshot of the current saga state
graph LR subgraph Endpoint Auditing SagaAudit[Saga Audit] end SagaAudit -- Saga Change<br>Audit Data --> SCQ[ServiceControl<br>Input Queue] SagaAudit -- Saga Change<br>Audit Data --> AuditQ[audit<br>queue] Auditing -- Message<br>Audit Data --> AuditQ[audit<br>queue] AuditQ --> ServiceControl SCQ --> ServiceControl
In versions of ServiceControl before 4.13.0, saga state change data can only be processed via the ServiceControl Queue (the input queue of the main ServiceControl instance). Starting with version 4.13.0, the saga state change data can also be processed by the ServiceControl audit instance via the audit queue. The latter approach is recommended.

All this information is sent to and stored in ServiceControl. Note that the saga state audit data is transmitted to ServiceControl via a separate message and is serialized using the built-in JSON Serializer of NServiceBus.

Impact on ServiceControl performance

This plugin results in an increase in load in several areas:

  1. Endpoint load to capture the required information
  2. Network load due to the extra information sent to ServiceControl
  3. ServiceControl load in the areas of ingestion, correlation and data cleanup

The increase in load is proportional to the size of the saga data multiplied by the number of messages the saga receives. Since both these variables depend on the specific saga implementation, it is impossible to give accurate predictions on the impact of this load in a production system. In versions of ServiceControl before 4.13.0, do not run the SagaAudit plugin in production environments due to the increased load on the main ServiceControl instance. With version 4.13.0, audit instances can process saga state change information from the SagaAudit plugin. If the additional load from the SagaAudit plugin is too big for a single audit instance to handle, consider scaling out ServiceControl audit processing.


The SagaAudit plugin is enabled via:

var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("MyEndpoint");

//For ServiceControl 4.13.0 and later
    serviceControlQueue: "audit@machine");

//For previous versions of ServiceControl
    serviceControlQueue: "particular.servicecontrol@machine");

Custom serialization

The SagaAudit plugin serializes the saga data objects to json. If needed a custom serialization method can be provided by the user:

var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("MyEndpoint");
    serviceControlQueue: "particular.servicecontrol@machine",
    customSagaEntitySerialization: saga =>
        var data = (MySagaData) saga;
        var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
            ["prop1"] = data.Name,
            ["prop2"] = data.Address
        return dictionary;