Getting Started

Re-processing messages that failed to be imported

Messages can fail to be imported into the ServiceControl database for the following reasons:

  • Messages are malformed (e.g. missing headers)
    • This can happen, for example, when an outdated version of NServiceBus that contained a bug was used to process the messages.
  • Messages are well-formed, but an intermittent database problem lasts long enough that the built-in retries did not resolve the problem.
  • Forwarding is enabled, and the destination queue does not exist, or ServiceControl cannot send messages to it. This could happen when the message or size limit has been reached or storage resources are exhausted.

Messages that fail to be imported are stored in the ServiceControl database in the FailedAuditImports and FailedErrorImports collections.

In addition, a log with the failure reason is written for the message in the %ServiceControl/LogPath% (error instances/audit instances) \FailedImports\{Audit|Error}\%failureid%.txt. These messages will not be visible in ServiceInsight.

Failed message custom check

When a failed import is detected in the ServiceControl database, the Message Ingestion custom check is marked as failed to bring the failed import(s) to the administrator's attention.

How to reimport

To reimport the failed messages, the instance must be shut down and started from a command line using one of the following commands:

ServiceControl instance:

ServiceControl.exe --serviceName=Particular.Servicecontrol --import-failed-errors

ServiceControl audit instance:

ServiceControl.Audit.exe --serviceName=Particular.Servicecontrol.Audit --import-failed-audits

While in import mode, ServiceControl or ServiceControl Audit will not process its input queues. Once the message is re-processed successfully, it is available in ServicePulse and ServiceInsight. ServiceControl or ServiceControl Audit instance can then be started again.

The custom check will no longer be displayed if all failed imports have been successfully reimported

Modify message data

If the message still fails to import it usually means that the message is malformed, and ServiceControl won't be able to ingest it. It may be possible to correct the message data manually to allow ServiceControl to import the message. To review the malformed messages, start ServiceControl in maintenance mode and inspect the FailedAuditImports or FailedErrorImports collection. Review the import failure logs to determine why the import continues to fail. If modifying the audit message, data can resolve the issue, make the necessary changes to the message document to allow ServiceControl to import the message.

Once the data has been modified, the message can be reimported by running ServiceControl from the command line with the --import-failed-errors or ServiceControl Audit with the --import-failed-audits option again.