Getting Started

Message Mutators

Component: NServiceBus
NuGet Package: NServiceBus (7.x)
Standard support for version 7.x of NServiceBus has expired. For more information see our Support Policy.

Message mutators allow mutation of messages in the pipeline.

NServiceBus supports two categories of message mutators:

Logical message mutators

Message mutators change/react to individual messages being sent or received. The IMutateOutgoingMessages or IMutateIncomingMessages interfaces allow the implementation of hooks for the sending and receiving sides.

Mutators can be used to perform actions such as validation of outgoing/incoming messages.


public class MutateIncomingMessages :
    public Task MutateIncoming(MutateIncomingMessageContext context)
        // the incoming headers
        var headers = context.Headers;

        // the incoming message
        // optionally replace the message instance by setting context.Message
        var message = context.Message;

        return Task.CompletedTask;


public class MutateOutgoingMessages :
    public Task MutateOutgoing(MutateOutgoingMessageContext context)
        // the outgoing headers
        var outgoingHeaders = context.OutgoingHeaders;

        if (context.TryGetIncomingMessage(out var incomingMessage))
            // do something with the incoming message

        if (context.TryGetIncomingHeaders(out var incomingHeaders))
            // do something with the incoming headers

        // the outgoing message
        // optionally replace the message instance by setting context.OutgoingMessage
        var outgoingMessage = context.OutgoingMessage;

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Transport messages mutators

Transport message mutators work on the serialized transport message and are useful for compression, header manipulation, etc. Create transport message mutators by implementing the IMutateIncomingTransportMessages or IMutateOutgoingTransportMessages interfaces.


public class MutateIncomingTransportMessages :
    public Task MutateIncoming(MutateIncomingTransportMessageContext context)
        // the bytes of the incoming messages.
        var bytes = context.Body;

        // optionally replace the Body
        context.Body = ServiceThatChangesBody.Mutate(context.Body);

        // the incoming headers
        var headers = context.Headers;

        // optional manipulate headers

        // add a header
        headers.Add("MyHeaderKey1", "MyHeaderValue");

        // remove a header

        return Task.CompletedTask;


public class MutateOutgoingTransportMessages :
    public Task MutateOutgoing(MutateOutgoingTransportMessageContext context)
        if (context.TryGetIncomingMessage(out var incomingMessage))
            // do something with the incoming message

        if (context.TryGetIncomingHeaders(out var incomingHeaders))
            // do something with the incoming headers

        // the outgoing message
        var outgoingMessage = context.OutgoingMessage;

        // the bytes containing the serialized outgoing messages.
        var bytes = context.OutgoingBody;

        // optionally replace the Body.
        // this can be done using any information from the context
        context.OutgoingBody = ServiceThatChangesBody.Mutate(context.OutgoingMessage);

        // the outgoing headers
        var headers = context.OutgoingHeaders;

        // optional manipulate headers

        // add a header
        headers.Add("MyHeaderKey1", "MyHeaderValue");

        // remove a header

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Registering a mutator

Mutators are registered using:

endpointConfiguration.RegisterMessageMutator(new MyIncomingMessageMutator());
endpointConfiguration.RegisterMessageMutator(new MyOutgoingTransportMessageMutator());

When a mutator throws an exception

If an incoming mutator throws an exception, the message aborts, rolls back to the queue, and recoverability is applied.

If an outgoing mutator throws an exception, the exception bubbles up to the method performing the Send or Publish. If the operation is performed on a context in the pipeline the message aborts, rolls back to the queue, and recoverability is applied. If the operation is performed on the message session the exception might bubble up to the user code or tear down the application domain if not properly handled.

Mutators versus Behaviors

Shared concepts and functionality

Both mutators and behaviors:

  • Can manipulate pipeline state
  • Can be executed in the incoming or outgoing pipeline
  • Bubble exceptions up the pipeline and handle them by the recoverability mechanism


Note that these are relative differences. So, for example, a behavior is only "high complexity" in comparison to a mutator.

Complexity to implementLowHigh
Location in pipelineFixedFlexible
Complexity to testLowMedium*
Can control nested actionNoYes
Affects call stack depthNoYes
Can replace an existing behaviorNoYes


  • Message Mutators
    Change messages by plugging custom logic in to a couple of interfaces, encrypting as required.

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