Getting Started

SQL Persistence Upgrade Version 1 to 2

Component: Sql Persistence

Subscription Caching configuration now required

Subscription Caching is now a required configuration option.

Either configure a time to cache for:

var persistence = endpointConfiguration.UsePersistence<SqlPersistence>();
var subscriptions = persistence.SubscriptionSettings();

Or explicitly disable the subscription caching.

var persistence = endpointConfiguration.UsePersistence<SqlPersistence>();
var subscriptions = persistence.SubscriptionSettings();

Inheriting from SqlSaga now required

In Version 1, inheriting from NServiceBus.Saga<T> was partially supported. However, this has two competing approaches that deliver the same features, causing significant confusion. In Version 2, NServiceBus.Saga<T> is no longer supported, and either a build error, or a runtime exception for some edge cases will occur.

Deep nested Saga hierarchies are no longer supported

In Version 1, having deep class hierarchies inheriting from SqlSaga<T> was supported. This scenario is no longer supported, and all sagas must inherit directly from SqlSaga<T>. This decision was made to bring the SQL persistence inline with the future design of NServiceBus.

Correlation Property

The API for defining a Correlation Property has been moved from an attribute to a property at the saga class level.

// For Sql Persistence version 2.x
public class MySaga :
    protected override string CorrelationPropertyName => nameof(SagaData.TheId);

// For Sql Persistence version 1.x
    correlationProperty: nameof(SagaData.TheId)
public class MySaga :

Message Mapping

The API to define message mapping has been changed to bring it in line with the future design of NServiceBus:

  • MapMessage renamed to ConfigureMapping.
  • MessagePropertyMapper<T> renamed to IMessagePropertyMapper.
// For Sql Persistence version 2.x
protected override void ConfigureMapping(IMessagePropertyMapper mapper)
    mapper.ConfigureMapping<MyMessage>(_ => _.TheId);

// For Sql Persistence version 1.x
protected override void ConfigureMapping(MessagePropertyMapper<SagaData> mapper)
    mapper.MapMessage<MyMessage>(_ => _.TheId);

SqlSaga.ConfigureMapping made abstract

To simplify implementing a saga using SqlSaga<T> class, the method SqlSaga<T>.ConfigureMapping has been turned into an abstract method which now needs to be implemented even if no message mapping is required.

SqlPersistenceSettingsAttribute move to use properties

Attributes have been moved to use properties instead of optional parameters in the constructor.

// For Sql Persistence version 2.x
[assembly: SqlPersistenceSettings(
    MsSqlServerScripts = true,
    MySqlScripts = true)]

// For Sql Persistence version 1.x
[assembly: SqlPersistenceSettings(
    msSqlServerScripts: true,
    mySqlScripts: true)]

SqlSagaAttribute made obsolete

The [SqlSagaAttribute] has been made obsolete and replaced by property overrides on the SqlSaga<T> class.

// For Sql Persistence version 2.x
public class MySaga :
    protected override string CorrelationPropertyName => nameof(SagaData.CorrelationProperty);
    protected override string TransitionalCorrelationPropertyName => nameof(SagaData.TransitionalCorrelationProperty);
    protected override string TableSuffix => "TheCustomTableName";

// For Sql Persistence version 1.x
    tableSuffix: "TheCustomTableName",
    transitionalCorrelationProperty: "OtherPropertyName"

Explicit schema API

An explicit schema API has been added.

// For Sql Persistence version 2.x
var persistence = endpointConfiguration.UsePersistence<SqlPersistence>();

// For Sql Persistence version 1.x
var persistence = endpointConfiguration.UsePersistence<SqlPersistence>();

If characters that required quoting were previously used in the table prefix, they can be removed and the following can be used instead:

// For Sql Persistence version 2.x
var persistence = endpointConfiguration.UsePersistence<SqlPersistence>();
persistence.Schema("My Schema");

// For Sql Persistence version 1.x
var persistence = endpointConfiguration.UsePersistence<SqlPersistence>();
persistence.TablePrefix("[My Schema].");

Missing Indexes

Some missing indexes have been added. These indexes will be added the next time the installers are executed. No explicit SQL migration is required.


  • Add missing non-unique index on Time, which is used to query expired timeouts.
  • Add missing non-unique index on SagaId, which is used to clean timeouts of the completed sagas.


  • Add missing index on Dispatched (bool)
  • Add missing index on DispatchedAt (datetime)