In NServiceBus Versions 6 and above First Level Retries (FLR) and Second Level Retries (SLR) have been renamed to Immediate Retries and Delayed Retries respectively. See Upgrading to Recoverability.
Run the solution and press Enter on the 'Client' console a few times to make sure the messages are being processed.
Client output
Press 'Enter' to send a message.
Press any key to exit
Sent a new message with id: 5a1ca67b03ae4b38b99e1fd66ebc97eb
Sent a new message with id: 30f443c4ce454de5be8541cafb0da332
Sent a new message with id: 2c9f0f60763243aeb16e1688f31b1f53
Server output
Press any key to exit
Message received. Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Message received. Id: 5a1ca67b-03ae-4b38-b99e-1fd66ebc97eb
Message received. Id: 30f443c4-ce45-4de5-be85-41cafb0da332
Message received. Id: 2c9f0f60-7632-43ae-b16e-1688f31b1f53
Queue up multiple messages
- Close the 'Server' console (endpoint) but leave the 'Client' console (endpoint) running.
- Press Enter on the 'Client' console a few times and note that the 'Client' application isn't blocked even when the server application is down. This makes it easier to upgrade the back-end even while the front-end is still running, resulting in a more highly-available system.
- Leave the 'Client' console running and view the
queue in LearningTransport. Note that all the messages sent to the 'Server' endpoint are queued, waiting for the process to come back online. Select each message, press F4, and examine its properties, specificallyFaultTolerance. Server BodyStream
, where the data is.
Consume those messages
Now bring the 'Server' endpoint back online by right-clicking the project, selecting Debug, then Start new instance.
Note that the 'Server' processes all those messages and the Samples.
queue is empty.
Fault tolerance
Make the handler fail
In the 'Server' application, open MyHandler.
public class MyHandler(ILogger<MyHandler> logger):
public Task Handle(MyMessage message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
logger.LogInformation($"Message received. Id: {message.Id}");
// throw new Exception("Uh oh - something went wrong....");
return Task.CompletedTask;
Note the commented out throw new Exception
line. Uncomment that line.
Run the solution again, but this time use Ctrl-F5
so that Visual Studio does not break each time the exception is thrown.
The endpoint should scroll through a bunch of warnings, ultimately outputting an error, and stopping, as follows:
Server Output
at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.OnTransportMessageReceived(TransportMessage msg) in
\NServiceBus.Core\Unicast\Transport\TransportReceiver.cs:line 411
at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.ProcessMessage(TransportMessage message) in
\NServiceBus.Core\Unicast\Transport\TransportReceiver.cs:line 344
at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.TryProcess(TransportMessage message) in
\NServiceBus.Core\Unicast\Transport\TransportReceiver.cs:line 228
2015-04-24 10:59:57.752 WARN NServiceBus.Faults.Forwarder.FaultManager Message
with '15f99a26-fc38-4ce4-9bc1-a48400b5184c' ID has failed Immediate Retries and will be handed over to Delayed Retries for retry attempt 3.
While the endpoint can now continue processing other incoming messages (which will also fail in this case as the exception is thrown for all cases), the failed message has been diverted and is being held in one of the NServiceBus internal databases.
Leave the endpoint running a while longer, and notice that it tries processing the message again. After three retries, the message ends up in the error queue (in the default configuration this should occur after roughly one minute).
Turn off Delayed Retries by uncommenting the below line in the Server Program.cs:
//var recoverability = endpointConfiguration.Recoverability();
//recoverability.Delayed(settings =>
// settings.NumberOfRetries(0);
Re-run the sample and notice the behavior. After successive retries, the message is sent to the error queue right away.
Make sure that the exception code is removed to resume processing of messages.