Getting Started

Automatic Expiration of Data

ServiceControl stores audit and error data. Any audit and error data that is older than the specified thresholds is deleted from RavenDB. The expiration thresholds for both faulted and audited messages must be set during installation. These values can be modified later by either

  • Launching ServiceControl Management and editing the configuration settings for the instance
  • Directly changing settings in configuration files
  • Configuring environment variables when hosted in containers

Differences in message retention implementations

The expiration of error and audit data is implemented by a recurring task that checks and deletes expired documents. Changing the expiration setting results in it being picked up the next time the service is run. In ServiceControl.Audit version 4.26 and above expiration is handled by the database automatically. Each audited message contains a metadata key that tells the database when to remove it. When the expiration setting changes, the new value is applied only to new audit data. Metadata for messages that were previously ingested is not changed. Only new audited messages are affected by the change to the expiration setting.

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