Getting Started

Deploying ServiceControl Error instances using PowerShell

Component: ServiceControl
Version: 6.x

The Particular.ServiceControl.Management module can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery, and is used to add, remove, update and delete instances of ServiceControl.


The ServiceControl PowerShell module has the following prerequisites:

  • PowerShell (Core) 7.2 or later

Installing and using the PowerShell module

In order to use the PowerShell module, the PowerShell execution policy needs to be set to RemoteSigned. Refer to the PowerShell documentation on how to change the execution policy.

The module can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery with the following command:

Install-Module -Name Particular.ServiceControl.Management

Once the module is installed, it can be used by importing the module into the PowerShell session with the following command:

Import-Module Particular.ServiceControl.Management

To obtain the version of the installed management module the following command can be used:

Get-Module Particular.ServiceControl.Management | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version

Error instance Cmdlets and Aliases

The following cmdlets and aliases are provided by the ServiceControl Management PowerShell module for the management of ServiceControl Error instances.


The following general cmdlets and aliases are provided by the ServiceControl Management PowerShell module.



All of the cmdlets have local help which can be accessed via the standard PowerShell help command

Get-Help Get-ServiceControlManagementCommands

Deploying an Error instance

Use the New-ServiceControlInstance cmdlet to deploy a new ServiceControl Error instance:

$serviceControlInstance = New-ServiceControlInstance `
  -Name Test.ServiceControl `
  -InstallPath C:\ServiceControl\Bin `
  -DBPath C:\ServiceControl\DB `
  -LogPath C:\ServiceControl\Logs `
  -Port 33334 `
  -DatabaseMaintenancePort 33335 `
  -Transport MSMQ `
  -ErrorQueue error1 `
  -ErrorRetentionPeriod 10:00:00:00

Use the Get-Help cmdlet for a full list of parameters available.

Use the Get-ServiceControlTransportTypes cmdlet to determine the correct -Transport value to use. See the ServiceControl transport guide for transport configuration options via the connection string.

Listing deployed instances

Use the Get-ServiceControlInstances cmdlet to find a list of all of the ServiceControl Error instances and their version numbers:

Get-ServiceControlInstances | Select Name, Version

Removing an instance

Use the Remove-ServiceControlInstance cmdlet to remove the instance and delete the database and logs:

Remove-ServiceControlInstance `
  -Name Test.ServiceControl `
  -RemoveDB -RemoveLogs

Upgrading a deployed instance

The ServiceControl PowerShell module must be updated to deploy a newer version of a ServiceControl instance, as the binaries are embedded in the module version that is installed.

To update the PowerShell module use the following command:

Update-Module -Name Particular.ServiceControl.Management

Once the PowerShell module is updated, use the Invoke-ServiceControlInstanceUpgrade cmdlet to upgrade the Audit instance to the installed version:

Invoke-ServiceControlInstanceUpgrade -Name InstanceToUpgrade

If the instance is running when the upgrade starts, it will be shut down during the upgrade and restarted once the upgrade is complete.

Before the upgrade begins the configuration file of the existing version is examined to determine if all of the required settings are present. If a configuration setting is missing then the cmdlet will throw an error indicating the required additional parameter for the cmdlet.


Copies the license file to the machine-wide license location so it is available to all instances of ServiceControl installed on the machine.

Import-ServiceControlLicense License.xml

Troubleshooting via PowerShell

The ServiceControl Management PowerShell module offers some cmdlets to assist with troubleshooting the installation of ServiceControl instances.

Check if a port is already in use

Before adding an instance of ServiceControl test if the port to use is currently in use.

Test-IfPortIsAvailable -Port 33333

This example shows the available ports out of a range of ports

33330..33339 | Test-IfPortIsAvailable | ? Available

If the port is already in use, then choose a different port.

Checking and manipulating UrlAcls

The Window HTTPServer API is used by underlying components in ServiceControl. This API uses a permissions system to limit what accounts can add a HTTP listener to a specific URI. The standard mechanism for viewing and manipulating these ports is with the netsh.exe command line tool.

For example netsh.exe http show urlacl will list all of the available UrlAcls. This output is detailed but not easy to query. The ServiceControl Management PowerShell provides simplified PowerShell equivalents for listing, adding, and removing UrlAcls and makes the output easier to query.

For example the following command lists all of the UrlAcls assigned to any URI for port 33333.

Get-UrlAcls | ? Port -eq 33333

In this example any UrlAcl on port 33335 is removed

Get-UrlAcls | ? Port -eq 33335 | Remove-UrlAcl

The following example shows how to add a UrlAcl for a ServiceControl service that should only respond to a specific DNS name. This would require an update of the ServiceControl configuration file as well. Refer to setting a custom host name and port number

Add-UrlAcl -Url -Users Users