Getting Started

RabbitMQ Transport Scripting

Target Version: NServiceBus 9.x

In order to provision or de-provision the resources required by an endpoint, the rabbitmq-transport command line (CLI) tool can be used.

The tool can be obtained from NuGet and installed using the following command:

dotnet tool install -g NServiceBus.Transport.RabbitMQ.CommandLine

Once installed, the rabbitmq-transport command line tool will be available for use.

rabbitmq-transport <command> [options]

Available commands

delays create

Use this command to create v2 delay infrastructure queues and exchanges:

rabbitmq-transport delays create [options]


--connectionString | -c : The RabbitMQ connection string. Takes precedence over a connection string provided in an environment variable.
--connectionStringEnv : The environment variable that contains the RabbitMQ connection string
--certPath: The path to the client certificate file for connecting to the broker
--certPassphrase: The passphrase for the client certificate file specified by the certPath option
--disableCertValidation: Disable remote certificate validation when connecting to the broker
--useExternalAuth: Use the external authorization option when connecting to the broker

delays migrate

Use this command to migrate in-flight delayed messages from the v1 delay infrastructure to the v2 delay infrastructure:

rabbitmq-transport delays migrate [options]


--connectionString | -c : The RabbitMQ connection string. Takes precedence over a connection string provided in an environment variable.
--connectionStringEnv : The environment variable that contains the RabbitMQ connection string
--certPath: The path to the client certificate file for connecting to the broker
--certPassphrase: The passphrase for the client certificate file specified by the certPath option
--disableCertValidation: Disable remote certificate validation when connecting to the broker
--useExternalAuth: Use the external authorization option when connecting to the broker
--routingTopology | -r : The routing topology to use
--useDurableEntities | -d : Specifies if entities should be created as durable
--queueType | -q : The type of queue to create

delays verify

Use this command to verify broker requirements for using the v2 delay infrastructure:

rabbitmq-transport delays verify [options]


--url : The URL of the RabbitMQ management API
--username : The username for accessing the RabbitMQ management API
--password: The password for accessing the RabbitMQ management API

endpoint create

Use this command to create queues and exchanges for an endpoint:

rabbitmq-transport endpoint create <endpointName> [options]


endpointName : The name of the endpoint to create


--connectionString | -c : The connection string to use
--connectionStringEnv : Specifies the environment variable where the connection string can be found. --connectionString, if specified, will take precedence over this option
--certPath: Set the path to the client certificate file for connecting to the broker
--certPassphrase: The passphrase for client certificate file for when using a client certificate
--disableCertValidation: The passphrase for client certificate file for when using a client certificate
--useExternalAuth: Use the external authorization option when connecting to the broker
--routingTopology | -r : The routing topology to use
--useDurableEntities | -d : Specifies if entities should be created as durable
--queueType | -q : The type of queue to create
--errorQueueName: Also create an error queue with the specified name
--auditQueueName: Also create an audit queue with the specified name
--instanceDiscriminators: An optional list of instance discriminators to use when the endpoint needs uniquely addressable instances

queue migrate-to-quorum

Use this command to migrate an existing classic queue to a quorum queue.

rabbitmq-transport queue migrate-to-quorum <queueName> [options]


queueName : The name of the classic queue to migrate to a quorum queue


--connectionString | -c : The connection string to use
--connectionStringEnv : Specifies the environment variable where the connection string can be found. --connectionString, if specified, will take precedence over this option
--certPath: Set the path to the client certificate file for connecting to the broker
--certPassphrase: The passphrase for client certificate file for when using a client certificate
--disableCertValidation: The passphrase for client certificate file for when using a client certificate
--useExternalAuth: Use the external authorization option when connecting to the broker

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