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dotnet new Templates

The Particular dotnet new templates makes it easier to bootstrap a variety of common project and code related scenarios.


Install using the following command:

dotnet new install ParticularTemplates

NServiceBus Endpoint

The nsbendpoint template will create a C# project for an NServiceBus endpoint. By selecting options, the endpoint is preconfigured with choices of:

Once the package is installed, the template can be found in the Visual Studio New Project dialog:

NServiceBus endpoint template in the Visual Studio New Project dialog

After naming the project and selecting a location for it on disk, the Additional information screen will allow customizing the template:

Customing endpoint properties in the additional information dialog

Command-line usage

The default usage will create a Console Application using Learning Transport, Learning Persistence:

dotnet new nsbendpoint --name MyEndpoint [options]
dotnet sln add "MyEndpoint/MyEndpoint.csproj"

Parameters allow the selection of message transport, data persistence, and hosting model, including Windows Service or Docker container hosting.


The name of the endpoint to create.
The target framework for the project.
One of: net8.0, net7.0 (default), net6.0, net48, net472
The message queue (transport) to use.
One of LearningTransport (default), AzureServiceBus, AzureStorageQueues, SQS, RabbitMQ, SQL.
Where to store data. This should be the same place business data is stored.
One of LearningPersistence (default), MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, CosmosDB, AzureTable, RavenDB, MongoDB, DynamoDB
The hosting model to use.
One of: ConsoleApp (default), WindowsService, Docker

For more details on available options and choices, use this command to get help:

dotnet new nsbendpoint --help

NServiceBus Handler

The nsbhandler item template will create a C# class for a message handler.

To create a message handler class that implements IHandleMessages<MyMessage>:

dotnet new nsbhandler --name ClassName --messagetype MyMessage


The name of the message handler class to create.
The message type for the handler to implement. Default: MessageType

For more details on available options and choices, use this command to get help:

dotnet new nsbhandler --help

NServiceBus Saga

The nsbsaga item template will create a C# class for a saga that includes the saga class, saga data class, handlers for two message types, a custom timeout class, and the ConfigureHowToFindSaga method.

To create a saga:

dotnet new nsbsaga --name ClassName --messagetype1 Message1 --messagetype2 Message2


The name of the saga class to create.
The first message type that will be handled by the saga. Default: MessageType1
The second message type that will be handled by the saga. Default: MessageType2

For more details on available options and choices, use this command to get help:

dotnet new nsbsaga --help

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