Getting Started

Compacting RavenDB 5 instances

ServiceControl's embedded RavenDB 5 database can be compacted by putting ServiceControl in maintenance mode, then following the RavenDB process for compacting a database.

Using the RavenDB management portal

ServiceControl must be in maintenance mode in order to compact the database with the RavenDB management portal. While in maintenance mode, all ServiceControl features are disabled except RavenDB Studio and no messages are ingested from the queuing system.

Step 1: Start ServiceControl in maintenance mode

Step 2: Compact the database in RavenDB Studio

  • Open RavenDB Studio: http://localhost:{selected RavenDB port}/. The default RavenDB port is 33334.
  • Select Stats in the left menu, then Storage Report
  • Ensure the correct ServiceControl database is selected in the dropdown in the top left
  • Click "Compact database", then Compact
  • Close the dialog when completed
  • Take ServiceControl out of maintenance mode

Step 3: Take ServiceControl out of maintenance mode

  • In ServiceControl management utility advanced options for the selected instance, select "Stop Maintenance Mode"