Getting Started

Azure Service Bus native integration

This document guides integrating NServiceBus endpoints with non-NServiceBus endpoints by sharing an Azure Service Bus (ASB) namespace as a mutual communication channel.

Attention points

The following points must be taken into account when integrating

  1. Both the ASB SDK and the transport make assumptions about the format of exchanged Message instances.

  2. The transport assumes a specific layout of ASB entities; any non-NServiceBus endpoint is expected to use the correct entities for each purpose. In general, the following rule applies: queues are for sending, and topics are for publishing. To learn more about the layouts of the built-in topology, refer to Azure Service Bus Transport Topology.

  3. By default, the transport creates its own entities when they don't exist in the namespace. However non-NServiceBus endpoints may require manual creation of entities. Refer to the Azure Service Bus documentation for more information on available ASB SDKs and tools to perform these tasks.

  4. The native message must allow NServiceBus to detect the message type either via the headers or the message payload.

See it in action

This sample shows how to use the native integration capabilities of the Azure Service Bus transport between an NServiceBus endpoint and a regular .NET application.
