Getting Started

Monitoring NServiceBus endpoints with Prometheus and Grafana

Component: NServiceBus
NuGet Package: NServiceBus (8.x)

Prometheus is a monitoring solution for storing time series data like metrics. Grafana visualizes the data stored in Prometheus (and other sources). This sample demonstrates how to capture NServiceBus OpenTelemetry metrics, store them in Prometheus, and visualize these metrics using a Grafana dashboard.

Grafana NServiceBus fetched, processed, and errored messages


To run this sample, Prometheus and Grafana are required. This sample uses Docker and a docker-compose.yml file to run the stack. To run the Docker stack, run docker-compose up -d in the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located.

Code overview

The sample simulates message load with a random 10% failure rate using the LoadSimulator class:

var simulator = new LoadSimulator(endpointInstance, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

Reporting metric values

NServiceBus uses the OpenTelemetry standard to report metrics. The metrics are disabled by default and must be enabled on the endpoint configuration.

var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration(EndpointName);

Opt into a specific metric, either by name or by wildcard:

var meterProviderBuilder = Sdk.CreateMeterProviderBuilder()

Each reported metric is tagged with the following additional information:

  • the queue name of the endpoint
  • the uniquely addressable address for the endpoint (if set)
  • the .NET fully qualified type information for the message being processed
  • the exception type name (if applicable)

Message processing counters

The following metric keys are available to monitor the rate of messages from the queuing system use:

  • nservicebus.messaging.fetches
  • nservicebus.messaging.successes
  • nservicebus.messaging.failures


To monitor recoverability metrics, use:

  • nservicebus.recoverability.immediate
  • nservicebus.recoverability.delayed
  • nservicebus.recoverability.error

Handler time, critical time, and processing time

To monitor handler time, processing time, and critical time (in seconds) for successfully processed messages use:

  • nservicebus.messaging.handler_time
  • nservicebus.messaging.processing_time
  • nservicebus.messaging.critical_time

Exporting metrics

The metrics are gathered using OpenTelemetry standards on the endpoint and must be reported and collected by an external service. A Prometheus HTTP listener exposes this data so the Prometheus service, hosted as a docker service, can retrieve and store this information.

The listener is available via the OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Prometheus.HttpListener" NuGet package. In this sample, the service that exposes the data to scrape is hosted on

meterProviderBuilder.AddPrometheusHttpListener(options => options.UriPrefixes = new[] { "" });

The raw metrics retrieved through the scraping endpoint look as follows:

# HELP nservicebus_messaging_successes Total number of messages processed successfully by the endpoint.
# TYPE nservicebus_messaging_successes counter
nservicebus_messaging_successes{nservicebus_discriminator="main",nservicebus_message_type="SomeCommand, Endpoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",nservicebus_queue="OpenTelemetryDemo"} 850 1657693075515

# HELP nservicebus_messaging_fetches Total number of messages fetched from the queue by the endpoint.
# TYPE nservicebus_messaging_fetches counter
nservicebus_messaging_fetches{nservicebus_discriminator="main",nservicebus_message_type="SomeCommand, Endpoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",nservicebus_queue="OpenTelemetryDemo"} 1060 1657693075515

# HELP nservicebus_messaging_failures Total number of messages processed unsuccessfully by the endpoint.
# TYPE nservicebus_messaging_failures counter
nservicebus_messaging_failures{nservicebus_discriminator="main",nservicebus_failure_type="System.Exception",nservicebus_message_type="SomeCommand, Endpoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",nservicebus_queue="OpenTelemetryDemo"} 210 1657693075515

The diagram below shows the overall component interactions:

graph TD A[NServiceBus Endpoint] -->|Report Metrics| B(Prometheus Exporter) B -->|Expose| C{Metric Endpoint} C -->|No Metrics| D[Status 200] C -->|Has Metrics| E[Return Metrics] F[Promethus Service] --> |Poll Metrics| E F --> |Store Metrics| F G[Grafana] --> |Query Data| F

Docker stack

In a production environment, the Prometheus service must be configured to retrieve the metrics data from the endpoint. Grafana must also be configured to get the data from Prometheus and visualize it as graphs. For this sample both services are setup as part of the Docker stack

Show a graph

Open Prometheus on http://localhost:9000/graph.

NServiceBus pushes events for success, failure, and fetched. These events must be converted to rates by a query. For example, the nservicebus_messaging_successes_total metric can be queried as:


Prometheus graphs based on query


Open Grafana on http://localhost:3000, which is made available as part of the Docker stack

For a production environment, Grafana must be installed and configured to display the data scraped and stored in Prometheus. For more information on how to install Grafana, refer to the Grafana installation guide.


This sample includes an export of the Grafana dashboard which can be imported as a reference.

To create a custom dashboard using Prometheus data, the following steps must be performed:

  • Add a new dashboard
  • Add a graph
  • Click its title to edit
  • From the Data source dropdown, select Prometheus
  • For the query, open the Metrics dropdown and select one of the metrics. Built-in functions (e.g. rate) can also be applied.

Grafana dashboard with NServiceBus OpenTelemetry metrics

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