Getting Started

ServiceControl remote instances

Component: ServiceControl
Version: 5.x

ServiceInsight and ServicePulse retrieve data from a ServiceControl instance using an HTTP API. In some installations, that data may reside in multiple ServiceControl instances. The ServiceControl Remotes features allows a ServiceControl instance to aggregate data from other ServiceControl instances, providing a unified experience in ServiceInsight and ServicePulse.


One ServiceControl Error instance is designated as the primary instance. All other ServiceControl instances are remote instances. The HTTP API of the primary instance aggregates data from the primary instance and from all the remote instances. ServiceInsight and ServicePulse are configured to connect to the primary instance.

In ServiceControl version 4 and later, a ServiceControl Error instance can be configured with remote instances that are also ServiceControl Error instances or are ServiceControl Audit instances. ServiceControl Audit instances cannot be configured as primary instances.

Default deployment

In ServiceControl version 4 and above, the ServiceControl Management utility creates a primary ServiceControl Error instance and a remote ServiceControl Audit instance.

graph TD Endpoints[endpoints] -- send audits to --> AuditQueue(audit queue) Endpoints -- send errors to --> ErrorQueue(error queue) ErrorQueue -- ingested by --> ServiceControl[ServiceControl<br/>primary] ServiceInsight -. connected to .-> ServiceControl ServicePulse -. connected to .-> ServiceControl AuditQueue -- ingested by --> ServiceControlAudit[ServiceControl Audit<br/>remote] ServiceControl -. connected to .-> ServiceControlAudit classDef Endpoints fill:#00A3C4,stroke:#00729C,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceInsight fill:#878CAA,stroke:#585D80,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServicePulse fill:#409393,stroke:#205B5D,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceControlPrimary fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF,stroke-width:4px classDef ServiceControlRemote fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF class Endpoints Endpoints class ServiceInsight ServiceInsight class ServicePulse ServicePulse class ServiceControl ServiceControlPrimary class ServiceControlAudit ServiceControlRemote

Sharding audit messages with competing consumers

Two ServiceControl Audit instances ingest messages from the same audit queue. This approach can be used to scale out the ingestion of messages from high-volume audit queues.

graph TD Endpoints[endpoints] -- send audits to --> AuditQueue(audit queue) Endpoints -- send errors to --> ErrorQueue(error queue) ErrorQueue -- ingested by --> ServiceControl[ServiceControl<br/>primary] ServiceInsight -. connected to .-> ServiceControl ServicePulse -. connected to .-> ServiceControl AuditQueue -- ingested by --> ServiceControlAudit1[ServiceControl Audit 1<br/>remote] ServiceControl -. connected to .-> ServiceControlAudit1 AuditQueue -- ingested by --> ServiceControlAudit2[ServiceControl Audit 2<br/>remote] ServiceControl -. connected to .-> ServiceControlAudit2 classDef Endpoints fill:#00A3C4,stroke:#00729C,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceInsight fill:#878CAA,stroke:#585D80,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServicePulse fill:#409393,stroke:#205B5D,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceControlPrimary fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF,stroke-width:4px classDef ServiceControlRemote fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF class Endpoints Endpoints class ServiceInsight ServiceInsight class ServicePulse ServicePulse class ServiceControl ServiceControlPrimary class ServiceControlAudit1,ServiceControlAudit2 ServiceControlRemote

Sharding audit messages with split audit queues

Endpoints are partitioned into groups. Each group sends messages to its own a different audit queue. Each audit queue is managed by a different ServiceControl Audit instance. This approach is useful if different audit retention periods are required for specific groups of endpoints.

graph TD Endpoints1[endpoints<br/>group 1] -- send audits to --> AuditQueue1(audit queue 1) Endpoints1 -- send errors to --> ErrorQueue(error queue) Endpoints2[endpoints<br/>group 2] -- send errors to --> ErrorQueue ErrorQueue -- ingested by --> ServiceControl[ServiceControl<br/>primary] ServiceInsight -. connected to .->ServiceControl ServicePulse -. connected to .-> ServiceControl Endpoints2 -- send audits to--> AuditQueue2(audit queue 2) AuditQueue1 -- ingested by --> ServiceControlAudit1[ServiceControl Audit 1<br/>remote] ServiceControl -. connected to .-> ServiceControlAudit1 ServiceControl -. connected to .-> ServiceControlAudit2[ServiceControl Audit 2<br/>remote] AuditQueue2 -- ingested by --> ServiceControlAudit2 classDef Endpoints fill:#00A3C4,stroke:#00729C,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceInsight fill:#878CAA,stroke:#585D80,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServicePulse fill:#409393,stroke:#205B5D,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceControlPrimary fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF,stroke-width:4px classDef ServiceControlRemote fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF class Endpoints1,Endpoints2 Endpoints class ServiceInsight ServiceInsight class ServicePulse ServicePulse class ServiceControl ServiceControlPrimary class ServiceControlAudit1,ServiceControlAudit2 ServiceControlRemote

Multi-transport deployments

When a system uses multiple transports, the Messaging Bridge can be used to allow management of the entire system by single instances of ServicePulse and ServiceInsight.

graph TD primaryA -. connected to .-> auditA primaryA -. connected to .-> auditB primaryA -. connected to .-> auditC subgraph Transport A ServicePulse[ServicePulse] -. connected to .-> primaryA ServiceInsight[ServiceInsight] -. connected to .-> primaryA endpointsA[endpoints] -- send errors to --> errorQueueA[error queue] endpointsA -- send audits to --> auditQueueA[audit queue] errorQueueA -- ingested by --> primaryA[ServiceControl<br/>primary] auditQueueA -- ingested by --> auditA[ServiceControl Audit<br/>remote] end subgraph Transport B endpointsB[endpoints] -- send errors to --> errorQueueB[error queue] endpointsB -- send audits to --> auditQueueB[audit queue] errorQueueB -- ingested by --> bridgeB[Bridge] auditQueueB -- ingested by --> auditB[ServiceControl Audit<br/>remote] bridgeB -- forwards --> errorQueueA end subgraph Transport C endpointsC[endpoints] -- send errors to --> errorQueueC[error queue] endpointsC -- send audits to --> auditQueueC[audit queue] errorQueueC -- ingested by --> bridgeC[Bridge] auditQueueC -- ingested by --> auditC[ServiceControl Audit<br/>remote] bridgeC -- forwards --> errorQueueA end classDef Endpoints fill:#00A3C4,stroke:#00729C,color:#FFFFFF classDef Bridge fill:#a8a032,stroke:#00729C,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceInsight fill:#878CAA,stroke:#585D80,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServicePulse fill:#409393,stroke:#205B5D,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceControlPrimary fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF,stroke-width:4px classDef ServiceControlRemote fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF class endpointsA,endpointsB,endpointsC Endpoints class bridgeB,bridgeC Bridge class ServiceInsight ServiceInsight class ServicePulse ServicePulse class primaryA,primaryB ServiceControlPrimary class auditA,auditB,auditC ServiceControlRemote

Multi-region deployments

It is possible to create a multi-region deployment using remotes.

graph TD insight[ServiceInsight] -..-> crossRegionPrimary[Cross Region<br/>ServiceControl<br/>primary] crossRegionPrimary -. connected to .-> primaryB subgraph Region B primaryB -. connected to .-> auditB servicePulseB[ServicePulse] -. connected to .-> primaryB endpointsB[endpoints] -- send errors to --> errorQueueB[error queue] endpointsB -- send audits to --> auditQueueB[audit queue] errorQueueB -- ingested by --> primaryB[ServiceControl<br/>primary] auditQueueB -- ingested by --> auditB[ServiceControl Audit<br/>remote] end subgraph Region A endpointsA[endpoints] -- send errors to --> errorQueueA[error queue] endpointsA -- send audits to --> auditQueueA[audit queue] errorQueueA -- ingested by --> primaryA[ServiceControl<br/>primary] auditQueueA -- ingested by --> auditA[ServiceControl Audit<br/>remote] primaryA -. connected to .-> auditA servicePulseA[ServicePulse] -. connected to .-> primaryA end crossRegionPrimary -. connected to .-> primaryA classDef Endpoints fill:#00A3C4,stroke:#00729C,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceInsight fill:#878CAA,stroke:#585D80,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServicePulse fill:#409393,stroke:#205B5D,color:#FFFFFF classDef ServiceControlPrimary fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF,stroke-width:4px classDef ServiceControlRemote fill:#A84198,stroke:#92117E,color:#FFFFFF class endpointsA,endpointsB Endpoints class insight ServiceInsight class servicePulseA,servicePulseB ServicePulse class primaryA,primaryB,crossRegionPrimary ServiceControlPrimary class auditA,auditB ServiceControlRemote

In this deployment, each region has a full ServiceControl installation with a primary Error instance and an Audit instance. Each region can be managed and controlled via a dedicated ServicePulse.

A new cross-region primary instance is added to allow ServiceInsight to show messages from both regions. This cross-region instance includes each region-specific primary instance as a remote allowing it to query messages from both. The cross-region instance must disable error message ingestion management by setting with the value ServiceControl/IngestErrorMessages option to false.

Zero downtime upgrades

The remotes feature can be used to perform zero downtime upgrades of Audit instances.


Remote instances are listed in the ServiceControl/RemoteInstances app setting in the primary instance configuration file. The value of this setting is a JSON array of remote instances. Each entry requires an api_url property specifying the API URL of the remote instance. For ServiceControl version 3 and earlier, each entry requires a queue_address property specifying the queue address of the remote instance.

Version 4 and later

    <add key="ServiceControl/RemoteInstances" value="[{&quot;api_uri&quot;:&quot;http://localhost:33334/api&quot;}]"/>

Version 3 and earlier

    <add key="ServiceControl/RemoteInstances" value="[{&quot;api_uri&quot;:&quot;http://localhost:33334/api&quot;, &quot;queue_address&quot;:&quot;Particular.ServiceControl.Remote&quot;}]"/>

Managing remote instances using PowerShell

The following cmdlets are available in ServiceControl version 4 and above, for the management of remote instances:


Add a remote instance

Add-ServiceControlRemote adds a remote instance to a primary instance.

Add-ServiceControlRemote `
  -Name $serviceControlInstance.Name `
  -RemoteInstanceAddress $auditInstance.Url

Remove a remote instance

Remove-ServiceControlRemote removes a remote instance from a primary instance.

Remove-ServiceControlRemote `
 -Name Test.ServiceControl `
 -RemoteInstanceAddress http://localhost:44444/api

List remote instances

Get-ServiceControlRemotes gets a list of remote instances from a primary instance.

Get-ServiceControlRemotes -Name Particular.ServiceControl

Changing the address of a remote instance

To change the address of a remote instance to a new host and/or port number:

  1. Remove the current address from the list of remote instances:
    • Remove-ServiceControlRemote -Name $primaryServiceControl.Name -RemoteInstanceAddress $currentAddress
  2. Restart the primary instance to refresh the list of remote instances
  3. Stop the remote instance
  4. Change the host and/or port number of the remote instance using the ServiceControl Management utility
  5. Start the remote instance at its new address
  6. Add the new address to the list of remote instances:
    • Add-ServiceControlRemote -Name $primaryServiceControl.Name -RemoteInstanceAddress $newAddress
  7. Restart the primary instance to refresh the list of remote instances


  • Pagination in ServiceInsight may not work as expected. For example, each page may contain a different number of items, depending on how those items are distributed across the various ServiceControl instances.
  • If the primary instance cannot contact a given remote instance, data from that remote instance will not be included in any views in either ServiceInsight or ServicePulse.
  • Multi-instance configuration is not possible the ServiceControl Management utility.
  • Incorrect configuration may cause cyclical dependencies. For example, instance A may attempt to get data from instance B, and instance B may attempt to get data from instance A.
  • It is recommended to run only one primary instance. Multiple primary instances are not recommended.