Getting Started


When running an endpoint within the context of the Visual Studio debugger, the required queues are created automatically on startup to facilitate development. However, when deploying this endpoint to a server, starting the endpoint from the command prompt will not create the necessary queues. Creation of queues is a one-time cost that should happen during installation.

To retrieve the list of available options for the host, run the following at the command line:

NServiceBus.Host.exe /?

Installing a Windows service

To install the process as a Windows service, include /install as a command line argument to the host. Using /install also causes the host to invoke the installers.

NServiceBus.Host.exe /install

Here is an example of the /install command line:

NServiceBus.Host.exe /install
/displayName:"My Publisher Service"
/description:"Service for publishing event messages"
/endpointConfigurationType:"QualifiedNameSpace.EndpointConfigType, AssemblyName"


To set the name of the Windows service in the registry, specify /serviceName:ServiceName. By default, the name of the service is the name of the endpoint and the endpoint name is the namespace of the endpoint configuration class.


To set the name of the Windows service as it is displayed in the Windows Service Manager, specify /displayName:ServiceDisplayName.

If the /displayName is not specified, then the default ServiceName will be used as the display name and not the provided service name as specified in the /serviceName parameter.


To set the description shown in the Windows Service Manager, specify /description:DescriptionOfService.


Specify the type implementing IConfigureThisEndpoint that should be used by using the /endpointConfigurationType parameter. The provided value must be the assembly qualified type name.


Configures the name of the endpoint. By default, the endpoint name is the namespace of the endpoint configuration class.


Configures NServiceBus to scan only the specified assemblies. The scannedAssemblies parameter must be provided for each assembly to include. E.g.:

NServiceBus.Host.exe /install

The host loads the assemblies by invoking the Assembly.Load method. This approach ensures that the specified assembly and its dependent assemblies will also be loaded.


Specifies the names of services or groups which must start before this service, e.g. /dependsOn:"MSMQ". Multiple services or groups are separated by a comma.


By using the /sideBySide argument, the endpoint version will be appended to the service name. This setting enables side-by-side operations by allowing multiple endpoints with different versions to run at the same time.


By default, Windows services start automatically when the operating system starts. To change this setting, add /startManually to the /install command.


To specify the account the service runs under, pass in the username of that account.

NServiceBus version 7 and above supports Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSA). When specifying a GMSA, the /username command line switch should include the trailing dollar sign e.g. /username:"corp\gmsaaccount$" and the /password command line switch should be omitted.


If the specified account which runs the Windows service requires a password, set it using the /password:"<password>" parameter.

This parameter should be omitted when specifying a Group Managed Service Account (GMSA) for the /username.


A host profile can be specified as the last parameter, e.g. NServiceBus.Host.exe /install NServiceBus.Lite. By default, the NServiceBus.Production profile is applied.

Uninstalling a Windows service

To uninstall an endpoint service, call

NServiceBus.Host.exe /uninstall

If a service name is specified when installing a service, be sure to pass it to the uninstall command:

NServiceBus.Host.exe /uninstall  [/serviceName]

For example:

NServiceBus.Host.exe /uninstall /serviceName:"MyPublisher"