Getting Started

Upgrade AmazonSQS Transport Version 1 to 3

For customers on version 1 of the transport it is recommended to update directly to version 3 of the transport and bypass version 2.

New configuration API

In AmazonSQS version 1, the transport was configured via connection string parameters. Connection strings have been removed in favor of a code-based configuration API.

The new configuration API is accessible through extension methods on the UseTransport<SqsTransport>() extension point in the endpoint configuration. Refer to the full configuration page for more details.

Destination queue creation

Previous versions of the transport automatically created destination queues on send if they weren't available. The automatic creation of destination queues has been removed. Setting up a topology with queues is an operations concern and should happen during the installation phase of the endpoint or via scripting when provisioning the environment.


A new set of permissions is required to run SQS transport. The following permissions must be granted to run the SQS transport.

SQS permissions

  • CreateQueue
  • DeleteMessage
  • DeleteMessageBatch
  • GetQueueUrl
  • ReceiveMessage
  • SendMessage
  • SendMessageBatch
  • SetQueueAttributes
  • ChangeMessageVisibility
  • ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch
  • PurgeQueue

S3 permissions

When the transport is used in combination with large messages on S3 the following permissions are required

  • CreateBucket
  • DeleteObject
  • GetObject
  • PutObject
  • PutLifecycleConfiguration
  • GetLifecycleConfiguration
  • ListAllMyBuckets

Wire compatibility with 1.x endpoints

Versions 2 and 3 of the transport break wire compatibility with version 1 endpoints. The TimeToBeReceived and ReplyToAddress properties are no longer present in the message envelope, but instead are available in the message headers. Starting with version 3.3.0 of the transport, a setting has been introduced to enable wire compatibility with 1.x endpoints when needed, at the expense of larger message size. To do so use the EnableV1CompatibilityMode setting:

// For Amazon SQS Transport version 6.x
var transport = new SqsTransport
    EnableV1CompatibilityMode = true


// For Amazon SQS Transport version 5.x
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<SqsTransport>();

// For Amazon SQS Transport version 4.x
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<SqsTransport>();

// For Amazon SQS Transport version 3.x
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<SqsTransport>();