Getting Started

Externalize Message Property Encryption

The Message Property Encryption feature has been removed from the NServiceBus package. It is now available as a separate NuGet package, NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty. The new package should be used to encrypt message properties when using NServiceBus versions 6.2 and above.

The API was also modified.

Removed APIs

Configuring encryption via app.config and via IProvideConfiguration have been removed. Instead, use configuration via code.


The NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty package is not fully compatible with endpoints that use the NServiceBus package's encryption functionality. The core implementation is not aware of the existence of the external package, so it is unable to decrypt message that use NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty.EncryptedString. Here are details of the specific cases.

Encrypting and decrypting using NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty

  • NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty can decrypt and encrypt all messages with message properties of type NServiceBus.WireEncryptedString.
  • NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty can decrypt and encrypt all messages with message properties of type NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty.EncryptedString.
  • NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty can decrypt and encrypt all messages using an encrypted property convention.

Encrypting and decrypting using NServiceBus

  • NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty cannot decrypt and encrypt messages with message properties of type NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty.EncryptedString.
  • NServiceBus can decrypt and encrypt all messages with message properties of type NServiceBus.WireEncryptedString.
  • NServiceBus can decrypt and encrypt all messages using an encrypted property convention.

Migration example

For a system with two or more endpoints, these are the steps to migrate to the NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty package:

  1. Install the NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty NuGet package into all endpoints.
  2. Update the configuration for all endpoints to use either RijndaelEncryptionService or a custom encryption service.
  3. Deploy all endpoints.
  4. After all endpoints are deployed, update message contracts in all endpoints to use the NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty.EncryptedString property type.
  5. Deploy all endpoints again.

Enabling RijndaelEncryptionService

// For NServiceBus version 6.x
var defaultKey = "2015-10";

var keys = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>
    {"2015-10", Convert.FromBase64String("gdDbqRpqdRbTs3mhdZh9qCaDaxJXl+e6")},
    {"2015-09", Convert.FromBase64String("abDbqRpQdRbTs3mhdZh9qCaDaxJXl+e6")},
    {"2015-08", Convert.FromBase64String("cdDbqRpQdRbTs3mhdZh9qCaDaxJXl+e6")},
endpointConfiguration.RijndaelEncryptionService(defaultKey, keys);

// For Message Property Encryption version 1.x
var defaultKey = "2015-10";

var keys = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>
    {"2015-10", Convert.FromBase64String("gdDbqRpqdRbTs3mhdZh9qCaDaxJXl+e6")},
    {"2015-09", Convert.FromBase64String("abDbqRpQdRbTs3mhdZh9qCaDaxJXl+e6")},
    {"2015-08", Convert.FromBase64String("cdDbqRpQdRbTs3mhdZh9qCaDaxJXl+e6")},
var encryptionService = new RijndaelEncryptionService(defaultKey, keys);


Using EncryptedString

// For NServiceBus version 6.x
using NServiceBus;

public class MyMessage :
    public WireEncryptedString MyEncryptedProperty { get; set; }

// For Message Property Encryption version 1.x
using NServiceBus;
using NServiceBus.Encryption.MessageProperty;

public class MyMessage :
    public EncryptedString MyEncryptedProperty { get; set; }

Encrypted property convention

// For NServiceBus version 6.x
var conventions = endpointConfiguration.Conventions();
    definesEncryptedProperty: propertyInfo =>
        return propertyInfo.Name.EndsWith("EncryptedProperty");

// For Message Property Encryption version 1.x
var encryptionService = new RijndaelEncryptionService(
    encryptionKeyIdentifier: "2015-10",
    key: Convert.FromBase64String("gdDbqRpqdRbTs3mhdZh9qCaDaxJXl+e6"));

    encryptionService: encryptionService,
    encryptedPropertyConvention: propertyInfo =>
        return propertyInfo.Name.EndsWith("EncryptedProperty");

Custom encryption service

// For NServiceBus version 6.x
    func: () =>
        return new EncryptionService();

// For Message Property Encryption version 1.x
endpointConfiguration.EnableMessagePropertyEncryption(new EncryptionService());

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