This is part of the NServiceBus Upgrade Guide from Version 7 to 8, which also includes the following individual upgrade guides for specific components:
Feature Details
- Upgrading the data bus from version 7 to 8
- Dependency Injection changes
- Upgrade NServiceBus downstreams from Version 7 to 8
- Upgrading message contracts from Version 7 to 8
- Upgrade NServiceBus pipeline extensions from Version 7 to 8
- Transport configuration changes
- AmazonSQS Transport Upgrade Version 5 to 6
- Azure Service Bus Transport Upgrade Version 2 to 3
- Azure Storage Queues Transport Upgrade Version 10 to 11
- MSMQ Transport Upgrade Version 1 to 2
- MSMQ Transport Upgrade Version 2 to 2.0.4
- RabbitMQ Transport Upgrade Version 7 to 8
- SQL Server Transport Upgrade Version 6 to 7
- Cosmos DB Persistence Upgrade from 1 to 2
- NHibernate Persistence Upgrade Version 8 to 9
- RavenDB Persistence Upgrade from 7 to 8
- SQL Persistence Upgrade Version 6 to 7
Code first API to set connection string
Setting the connection string can now be done as part of calling UseNServiceBus()
Instead of
functionsHostBuilder.UseNServiceBus(() => new ServiceBusTriggeredEndpointConfiguration(endpointName){
ConnectionString = "CONNECTIONSTRING"
functionsHostBuilder.UseNServiceBus(endpointName, "CONNECTIONSTRING");