Getting Started

Deprecated TransportMessage in NServiceBus Version 6

Component: NServiceBus

This is part of the NServiceBus Upgrade Guide from Version 5 to 6, which also includes the following individual upgrade guides for specific components:

Feature Details

Previous versions used TransportMessage as a generic holder both for outgoing and incoming messages. For a better separation of concerns that class has been split into IncomingMessage and OutgoingMessage. All code paths related to outgoing messages use OutgoingMessage and all code paths related to incoming messages use IncomingMessage. The class TransportMessage has been deprecated entirely. Here are a few common scenarios related to TransportMessage and how they can be addressed with either IncomingMessage or OutgoingMessage.


Both IncomingMessage and OutgoingMessage provide a byte array to access the underlying payload of the property Body.

When setting the body, raw sending is the most likely scenario. See Raw sending below.


Both IncomingMessage and OutgoingMessage provide a dictionary to get or set headers of the property Headers.


Both IncomingMessage and OutgoingMessage provide a message ID of the property MessageId.


The correlation ID is no longer a strongly-typed property exposed. To get access to the correlation ID of a message use the Headers.CorrelationId key.


The ReplyAddress can only be accessed on an incoming message. Use the extension method GetReplyAddress on IncomingMessage to acquire the reply address.


The MessageIntent can only be accessed on an incoming message. Use the extension method GetMessageIntent on IncomingMessage to acquire the message intent.


From the perspective of an outgoing message, the TimeToBeReceived is a delivery concern and must be specified over the newly introduced DeliveryConstraint.

Set the TimeToBeReceived

var timeToBeReceived = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25);
var deliveryConstraint = new DiscardIfNotReceivedBefore(timeToBeReceived);

Read the TimeToBeReceived

context.Extensions.TryGetDeliveryConstraint(out DiscardIfNotReceivedBefore constraint);
timeToBeReceived = constraint.MaxTime;

From the perspective of an incoming message, the TimeToBeReceived can be acquired by using the Headers.TimeToBeReceived on the IncomingMessage.Headers dictionary.


From the perspective of an outgoing message, the Recoverable flag is a delivery concern and must be specified over the newly introduced DeliveryConstraint.

Set the Recoverable

context.Extensions.AddDeliveryConstraint(new NonDurableDelivery());

Read the Recoverable

context.Extensions.TryGetDeliveryConstraint(out NonDurableDelivery constraint);

From the perspective of an incoming message, the Recoverable flag can be acquired by using the Headers.NonDurableMessage on the IncomingMessage.Headers dictionary.

Raw sending

In NServiceBus version 5, it was possible to use ISendMessages to do raw sends. In version 6 IDispatchMessages was introduced. The following snippet shows an example of how to send raw messages:

var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var outgoingMessage = new OutgoingMessage("MessageId", headers, new byte[]
var constraints = new List<DeliveryConstraint>
    new NonDurableDelivery()
var address = new UnicastAddressTag("Destination");
var operation = new TransportOperation(
    message: outgoingMessage,
    addressTag: address,
    requiredDispatchConsistency: DispatchConsistency.Default,
    deliveryConstraints: constraints);
var operations = new TransportOperations(operation);
await dispatcher.Dispatch(operations, new TransportTransaction(), new ContextBag());