Getting Started

Azure Blob Storage Databus Upgrade Version 3 to 4

Move to .NET 4.7.2

The minimum .NET Framework version for NServiceBus.DataBus.AzureBlobStorage version 4 is .NET Framework 4.7.2.

All projects must be updated to .NET Framework 4.7.2 before upgrading to Azure Blob Storage Data Bus version 4.

It is recommended to update to .NET Framework 4.7.2 and perform a full migration to production before updating to version 4. This will isolate any issues that may occur.

For solutions with many projects, the Target Framework Migrator Visual Studio extension can reduce the manual effort required in performing an upgrade.

SDK upgrade

This version leverages improvements in the latest Azure.Storage.Blobs SDK, moving away from the WindowsAzure.Storage SDK.

The .BlockSize() property has been deprecated due to restrictions of the underlying SDK.

Registering a BlobServiceClient

The .AuthenticateWithManagedIdentity()-method has been deprecated. For scenario's in which advanced authentication modes are desirable, a preconfigured BlobServiceClient can be configured in the databus in two ways:

  • by supplying a preconfigured instance to .UseBlobContainerClient()
  • by registering a custom provider in the container that implements IProvideBlobContainerClient

Expired blob cleanup

The built-in cleanup mechanism has been deprecated. See available clean-up options.